Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the home page of ILTPE OSA student chapter!
ILTPE (formerly IRE) OSA student chapter was founded by PhD students of B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of NASU, O.Ya.Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of NASU, and Institute of Radio Astronomy of NASU in 2007.
ILTPE OSA student chapter is a team of local students and PhD students who are the members of the international scientific Optical Society (OSA). The chapter members are involving in the various outreach and professional development activities in the field of optics and photonics. We invite everybody who is interested in optics and photonics or related fields to join our scientific meetings and activities.
Faculty Advisor 2019/2020
Prof. Sergey I. Tarapov, IRE NASU
Members of ILTPE OSA SC 2019/2020
1. Anna Herus, ILTPE NASU
2. Vusal Geidarov, ILTPE NASU
3. Nataliia Mysko-Krutik, ILTPE NASU
4. Evhen Petrenko, ILTPE NASU
5. Olha Kravchuk, IRE NASU
6. Volodymyr Meleshko, ILTPE NASU
7. Marina Kolodyazhnaya, ILTPE NASU