Alexander Kopeliovich, DSc, Professor.

12.10.1944 - 13.02.2018

Alexander Kopeliovich DSc Professor

Graduated from Kharkov Polytechnical Institute in 1967.

PhD Phys & Math, ILTPE, 1972.

DSc Phys & Math, ILTPE, 1987.

Professor – 26.10.2012

Started work at ILTPE in 1967 as an engineer, 1970-1975, junior researcher, 1975-1991, senior researcher, 1991 – today, leading researcher. Research area: dynamic and kinetic properties of metals and low-dimensional electron systems, spin transport phenomena.

Research area:

Theory of electron transport in conducting systems of various dimensionality.

Main results:

  1. Optical properties of polyvalent metals in infrared spectrum region were explained on the basis of electron-photon-phonon scattering effect suggested by the author.
  2. The diffusion equation for electrons taking into account the phonon drag by electrons was derived. Its usage made it possible to explain and predict several effects of electron kinetics in metals (in collaboration with R.N. Gurzhi).
  3. The static skin effect was predicted in a high magnetic field under the conditions of diffusive electron reflection from the metal surface.
  4. The existence of almost free electrons in the HTSC model of the type of the Hubbard model with strong interaction between electron and disordered spin subsystems was shown.
  5. It was shown that the reduction of the space dimensionality of the system from three to two essentially affects the electron relaxation processes. A general theory of transport phenomena in 2D conducting systems was constructed. A specific application of the theory was developed for the case of layered metallic compounds (in collaboration with R.N. Gurzhi and S.B. Rutkevich).

For the further research activities of Prof.. Alexander Kopeliovich after 1986 see: Research group of R.N. Gurzhi, A.I. Kopeliovich, A.N. Kalinenko and A.V. Yanovskiy .

List of selected publications:

  1. R.N. Gurzhi, A.N. Kalinenko, A.I. Kopeliovich, Electron-Electron Collisions and a New Hydrodynamic Effect in Two-Dimensional Electron Gas, Phys. Rev. Lett., 72, 3872 (1995).
  2. R.N. Gurzhi, A.N .Kalinenko, A.I. Kopeliovich, Electron-Electron Momentum Relaxation in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. Phys. Rev. B 52, 4744 (1995).
  3. R.N. Gurzhi, A.N. Kalinenko, A.I. Kopeliovich, The Theory of Kinetic Effects in Two-Dimensional Degenerate Gas of Colliding Eletrons, Fiz. Nizk. Temp., 23, 58 ( 1997) ) [Low Temp. Phys., 23, 44, (1997)].
  4. H. Buhmann, R.N. Gurzhi, A.N. Kalinenko, A.I. Kopeliovich, L.V. Molenkamp, A.V. Yanovsky, H. Predel, Effects of Electron-Electron Scattering on Electron-Beam Propagation in a Two-Dimensional Electron-Gas, Phys. Rev. B 62, 2057 (2000).
  5. R.N. Gurzhi, A.N. Kalinenko, A.I. Kopeliovich, A.V. Yanovsky, E.N. Bogachek, and Uzi Landman, Spin-Guide Source of High Spin-Polarized Current, Phys. Rev. B 68, 125113 (2003).
  6. R.N. Gurzhi, A.I .Kopeliovich, A.N. Kalinenko, A.V. Yanovsky, E.N. Bogachek, and Uzi Landman. H. Buhmann, L.W. Molenkamp, Relaxation of high-energy quasiparticle distributions: electron-electron scattering in a two-dimensional electron gas, Phys. Rev. B 68, 165318 (2003).
  7. Generations and properties on narrow electron flows in mesoscopic solid-state structures. R. N. Gurzhi, A. N. Kalinenko, A.I. Kopeliovich, A. V. Yanovsky, E.N.Bogachek, Uzi Landman Phys. Rev. B (2005), v.72, p., № 11, p.115332.
  8. Dynamics of a spin-polarized electron liquid: Spin oscillations with a low decay. R.N.Gurzhi, A.N.Kalinenko, A.I. Kopeliovich, P.V.Pyshkin, A.V.Yanovsky Phys.Rev.B (2006), v.73, p.153204.
  9. Non-Linear Spin Dynamics of the Electron Liquid in Nanosystems. R.N. Gurzhi, A.N. Kalinenko, P.V., A.I. Kopeliovich, Pyshkin, A. V. Yanovsky, S. B. Rutkevich, A. N. Yashin Nonl. Complex Systems (2007),v.10, № 3, p.238-246.
  10. Динамические спин-электрические и спин-тепловые эффекты в системе электронов на поверхности жидкого гелия. А.И. Копелиович, П.В. Пышкин ФНТ (2009), т.35, №5, с. 540-544
  11. Равновесный и квазиравновесный спин-электрический эффект в системе электронов на поверхности жидкого гелия. Р.Н. Гуржи, А.Н. Калиненко, А.И. Копелиович, А.В. Яновский Р.Н. Гуржи, А.Н. Калиненко, А.В. Яновский ФНТ (2011), т. 37, № 8.с. 889-891.