B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering

National Academy of Science (NAS) of Ukraine






8 - 12 September 2014

Kharkiv, Ukraine



Organizing committee

Scientific program






Social program












The abstract should be sent to the Organizing Committee

to e-mail pñs2014@ilt.kharkov.ua till June 1, 2014.


Please, use the sample to prepare your abstract.

Your abstract should be written in English and not exceed 1 page.


NB.The editorial board of the journal “Low temperature physics” (Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur)
agrees to publish the proceedings of our Workshop just after this event in the October issue of this year
(online issue will appear already before the Workshop).

The manuscript must have up to 6 two column pages or up to 12 Word pages (12 pt, 1.5 int.), including all figures,
captions, tables etc. and sent to Organizing Committee before 1 June 2014.



Short Rules of Manuscript Format
The manuscript must contain:
– a title page, including the title of the article, the first initials and surnames of authors,
the names and complete postal address(es) of the authors’ affiliation(s) where the work was
performed (if necessary, the name and address of the authors’ permanent location are stated
in a footnote), an encapsulated running title of the article and a PACS number;
— abstract;
— keywords;
— the text of the article (one columns, 4 cm left-hand margin, a 12 pt type and
page format A4 (210 x 297), Microsoft Word for Windows or as a file of format *.RTF or
TEX (LaTeX, AmSTeX and AmSLaTeX). If you send the paper in *.TEX (LaTeX, AmSTeX and AmSLaTeX),
please send us in addition the paper in *.PDF.
— the references;
— the figure captions;
— the set of figures (WMF, EPS, CDR, XAR, OPJ, OGG).