High Pulse Magnetic Field Lab

Volodymyr M. Savytskyi
savitsky @ ilt.kharkov.ua

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Group Leader
Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D)


Volodymyr M. Khrustalyov
khrustalyov @ ilt.kharkov.ua

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Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D)
Junior Researcher

Main fields of research:

  • Low temperature studies of magnetic field induced spin-orientational phase transitions in antiferromagnets with strong magnetic anisotropy.
  • Experimental studies of magnetic and electric properties of multiferroic compounds under high pulsed magnetic field.

The most important recent results:

  • The phase (Í,Ò)-diagrams of magnetic states for LiCoPO4 in magnetic field up to 285 kOe has been constructed. The second high-field phase (H > H2) has been found non-centrosymmetrical with magnetoelectric response (V.M. Khrustalyov, V.N. Savytsky, and M.F. Kharchenko, "(H,Ti)-diagram of magnetic transformations induced by a pulsed magnetic field in antiferromagnetic LiCoPO4", Low Temp. Phys. V.43, 1332 (2017)).
  • The new high-field magnetic phase in LiCoPO4 has been found withing the fields interval 21-28.5 T and was showed that transition from antiferromagnetic to saturated paramagnetic state occurs through three phase transitions. The possible magnetic structures formed in LiCoPO4 in high-field phases (H > H1) are proposed within the framework of the simplified two-dimensional collinear model (N.F. Kharchenko, V.M. Khrustalev, and V.N. Savitskii, "Magnetic field induced spin reorientation in the strongly anisotropic antiferromagnetic crystal LiCoPO4, Low Temp. Phys. V.36, No6, 558 (2010)).
  • The five phase transitions has been found in LiNiPO4 during pulse magnetization in the field up to 285 kOe. The phase (Í,Ò)-diagrams in magnetic field up to 285 kOe has been constructed (V.M. Khrustalyov, V.N. Savitsky, N.F.Kharchenko, "Multi-step-like magnetization of LiNiPO4 in a pulse magnetic field", Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Suppl., V.54, No4, 27 (2004)).

Experimental equipment:

  • The pulse magnet with field strength up to 300 kOe within the hole diameter 27 mm (copper wired multilayer coil with liquid nitrogen cooling) for magnetization (differential magnetic susceptibility) and magnetoelectric effect measurements. Magnetic field pulse length 30 ms. Sample temperature intervals: 1.6-4.2 Ê (liquid helium), 14-20.4 Ê (liquid hydrogen).
  • DC superconducting magnet with field up to 6 Ò for magnetization and magnetic susceptibility measurement within the temperature interval 1.6 - 300 K.
  • DC water-cooled magnet with field up to 1.5 T for magnetic properties measurements at room and helium temperatures.