M. Khrustalyov
Phone: +38 (057) 341-08-46, 2-59 (local)
Room: 205
e-mail: khrustalyov @ ilt.kharkov.ua
Academic degrees:
Ph.D. degree in physics and
mathematics (Candidate of Sciences) by speciality 01.04.11 -
magnetism, B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics
and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
(Ph.D thesis topic: “Peculiarities of the magnetic and
magnetoelectric properties of the LiCoPO4 and
LiNiPO4 crystals in high pulse magnetic field”.
Supervisor: acad. M.F. Kharchenko.)
Diploma in Physics, Physics
faculty. - V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv,
(ILTPE NASU, Department of optical and magnetic properties
of solids, Diploma thesis topic: “The study of
antiferromagnetic crystal LiNiPO4 in pulsed
magnetic field”. Supervisor: acad. M.F. Kharchenko.)
Professional career:
Since 11/2005
Junior Researcher - Department
of optical and magnetic properties of solids at B.Verkin
Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the
NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
11/2002 - 10/2005
Postgraduate student -
B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and
Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Supervisor: acad. M.F.Kharchenko.
09/1997 - 07/2002
Student of the Physics
faculty, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv,
Research Activity:
Low temperature studies of magnetic and electric properties
of low-dimensional magnets, antiferromagnets and
multiferroics in high pulsed magnetic field.
Main Publications:
- V.M. Khrustalyov, V.N. Savytsky, and M.F. Kharchenko,
"(H,Ti)-diagram of magnetic transformations
induced by a pulsed magnetic field in antiferromagnetic
LiCoPO4", Low Temp. Phys. V.43, 1332
- V.M. Khrustalyov, V.M. Savytsky, and M.F. Kharchenko,
"Magnetoelectric effect in antiferromagnetic LiNiPO4
in pulsed magnetic fields", Low Temp. Phys. V.42,
No12, 1126 (2016).
- V.M. Khrustalyov, V.M. Savytsky, and M.F. Kharchenko,
"Magnetoelectric effect in antiferromagnetic LiCoPO4
in pulsed magnetic fields", Low Temp. Phys. V.42,
No4, 280 (2016).
- N.F. Kharchenko, V.M. Khrustalev, and V.N. Savitskii,
"Magnetic field induced spin reorientation in the strongly
anisotropic antiferromagnetic crystal LiCoPO4,
Low Temp. Phys. V.36, No6, 558 (2010).
- V.M. Khrustalyov, V.N. Savitsky, N.F.Kharchenko,
"Multi-step-like magnetization of LiNiPO4 in a
pulse magnetic field", Czechoslovak Journal of Physics.
Suppl., V.54, No4, 27 (2004).