Our publications
A. N. Omelyanchouk, S. Savel'ev, A. M. Zagoskin, E. Ilichev, F. Nori
Noise-induced quantum coherence and persistent Rabi oscillations in a Josephson flux qubit.
V. P. Timofeev, A. A. Shablo, V. Yu. Monarkha
Dynamics of trapped magnetic fluxes in single-crystal YBCO in weak fields.
S. N. Shevchenko
Conductance characteristics of current-carrying d-wave weak links.
I. F. Kislyak, M. A. Tikhonovsky, D. G. Malykhin, T. Yu. Rudycheva, V. G. Yarovoy, A. A. Blinkin, V. V. Derevyanko,
S. Yu. Sayenko, G. A. Kholomeyev, A. G. Sivakov, A. S. Pokhila, O. G. Turutanov
Investigations of superconductivity in MgB2 bulk and Fe(steel)/MgB2 wires.
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology 64, 107 (2009) (in Russian) link 

A. V. Krevsun, S. I. Bondarenko, V. P. Koverya, L. V. Gnezdilova
Influence of the magnetic state of granulated ceramics YBa2Cu3O7-x on it magnetoresistance properties.
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology 64, 97 (2009) (in Russian) link 

G. A. Gogadze, S. N. Dolya
Isothermal reentrant effect in a mesoscopic cylindrical structure of a superconductor coated with a normal metal layer.
G. A. Gogadze, S. N. Dolya
The role of the self-consistent equation in identifying the Andreev spectrum in a mesoscopic NS structure.
Low Temperature Physics 35, 735 (2009) link 

Yu. A. Avramenko, E. V. Bezuglyi, N. G. Burma, V. D. Fil
V. I. Shnyrkov, A. A. Soroka, W. Krech
Signal characteristics of charge-phase qubit-detector with parametric transformation of energy.
Low Temperature Physics 35, 652 (2009) link 

V. Yu. Lyakhno, A. V. Fedorchenko, O. B. Kivirenko, V. I. Shnyrkov
FRP Dewar for Measurements in High Pulsed Magnetic Fields.
Cryogenics 49, 425 (2009) link 

E. Yu. Gordiyenko, Yu. V. Fomenko, G. V. Shustakova
The medical infrared thermograph.
Proceedings of BMITPH-2009 (Biomedical and Informatic Technologies in Public Health), 185 (2009) (in Ukrainian) 

V. Yu. Lyakhno, A. V. Fedorchenko, G. Ye. Vedernikov, V. B. Malkov, N. M. Kriuchkov, V. I. Shnyrkov
Dewar-Shield for SQUID Magnetoscopy of Structural Materials.
Proceedings of BMITPH-2009 (Biomedical and Informatic Technologies in Public Health), 169 (2009) (in Russian) 

V. I. Shnyrkov, D. Born, A. A. Soroka, W. Krech
Coherent Rabi response of a charge-phase qubit under microwave irradiation.
V. Yefremenko, E. Gordiyenko, G. Shustakova, Yu. Fomenko, A. Datesman, G. Wang, J. Pearson, E. E. W. Cohen, V. Novosad
A broadband imaging system for research applications.
Review of Scientific Instruments 80, 056104 (2009) link 

V. Yu. Lyakhno, A. S. Garbuz, L. V. Gnezdilova, A. V. Lopin, V. I. Shnyrkov
Parameters Optimization of the FRP Dewar Intended for Biomagnetic Investigations.
Instruments and Experimental Techniques 52, 752 (2009) link 

I. S. Spevak, A. Yu. Nikitin, E. V. Bezuglyi, A. Levchenko, A. V. Kats
Resonantly suppressed transmission and anomalously enhanced light absorption in periodically modulated ultrathin metal films.
G. Wang, V. Yefremenko, A. Datesman, V. Novosad, J. Pearson, G. Shustakova, R. Divan, J. Lee, C. L. Chang, J. McMahon, L. Bleem,
A. T. Crites, T. Downes, J. Mehl, W. Everett, S. S. Meyer, J. E. Carlstrom, J. Sayer, J. Ruhl
Thermal modeling of absorber-coupled TES polarimeter.
13th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors LTD13, AIP Conference Proceedings 1185, 334 (2009) link 

O. I. Yuzephovich, M. Yu. Mikhailov, S. V. Bengus, A. Yu. Aladyshkin, E. E. Pestov, Yu. N. Nozdrin, A. Yu. Sipatov, E. I. Buchstab, N. Ya. Fogel
Interfacial superconductivity in bilayer and multilayer IV–VI semiconductor heterostructures.
Low Temperature Physics 34, 985 (2008) link 

V. M. Dmitriev, I. V. Zolochevskii, E. V. Bezuglyi
Advances in the criteria for dividing thin superconducting films into narrow and wide films.
S. N. Shevchenko, S. H. W. van der Ploeg, M. Grajcar, E. Il'ichev, A. N. Omelyanchouk, H.-G. Meyer
Resonant excitations of single and coupled flux qubits connected to tank circuit.
Yu. S. Erin, S. V. Kuplevakhskiĭ, A. N. Omel’yanchuk
Little–Parks effect for two-band superconductors.
Low Temperature Physics 34, 891 (2008) link 

V. A. Seleznev, M. A. Tarkhov, B. M. Voronov, I. I. Milostnaya, A. S. Garbuz, V. Yu. Lyakhno, M. Yu. Mikhailov, O. M. Zhigalina, G. N. Gol’tsman
Deposition and Characterization of Few-nanometers-thick Superconducting Mo–Re Films.
Superconductor Science and Technology 21, 115006 (2008) link 

A. N. Omelyanchouk, S. N. Shevchenko, A. M. Zagoskin, E. Il’ichev, F. Nori
Pseudo-Rabi oscillations in superconducting flux qubits in the classical regime.
V. I. Shnyrkov, A. A. Soroka, S. I. Melnyk
The two-Josephson-junction flux qubit with large tunneling amplitude.
A. Izmalkov, S. H. W. van der Ploeg, S. N. Shevchenko, M. Grajcar, E. Il'ichev, U. Hubner, A. N. Omelyanchouk, H.-G. Meyer
Consistency of ground state and spectroscopic measurements on flux qubits.
E. Il'ichev, A. N. Omelyanchouk
Magnetic flux noise in the three-Josephson-junctions superconducting ring.
V. V. Shamshutdinova, A. S. Kiyko, S. N. Shevchenko, B. F. Samsonov, A. N. Omelyanchouk
Dynamics of the Josephson-junction qubits with exactly solvable time-dependent bias pulses.
D. G. Park, D. W. Kim, C. S. Angani, V. P. Timofeev, Y. M. Cheong
Measurement of the magnetic moment in a cold worked 304 stainless steel using HTS SQUID.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320, e571 (2008) link 

S. N. Shevchenko, A. N. Omelyanchouk, A. M. Zagoskin, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
Distinguishing quantum from classical oscillations in a phase qubit.
G. A. Gogadze
On existence of a paramagnetic contribution to the susceptibility of a mesoscopic cylindrical normal metal-superconductor structure.
Low Temperature Physics 34, 173 (2008) link 

S. N. Shevchenko
Impedance measurement technique for quantum systems.
O. G. Turutanov, V. I. Shnyrkov, A. M. Glukhov
Stochastic-parametric amplification of narrow-band signals in a single-junction SQUID interferometer.
Low Temperature Physics 34, 37 (2008) link 

V. M. Dmitriev, I. V. Zolochevskii, E. V. Bezuglyi, D. S. Kondrashev
Phase-slip processes in superconducting films: AC Josephson effect and new phase transition.
Acta Physica Polonica A 114, 257 (2008) link 

V. P. Koverya, S. I. Bondarenko
Diagnostics of superconductivity by means of local magnetic field freezing.
Problems of atomic science and technology. Series: Vacuum, Pure Materials, Superconductors 17, 52 (2008) link 

S. N. Shevchenko, E. A. Temchenko
Theoretical study of the resonant excitations in coupled Josephson-junction qubits.
D. G. Park, A. Chandrasekhar, D. W. Kim, V. P. Timofeev, Y. M. Cheong
New method for detecting the early stage of structural changes by using HTSC squid-based magnetometer.
S. V. Kuplevakhsky, A. M. Glukhov
Exact analytical solution of the problem of current-carrying states of the Josephson junction in external magnetic fields.
S. I. Bondarenko, A. A. Shablo, V. P. Koverya, D. Yu. Fomin
Locally frozen magnetic field in HTSC ceramics.
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 71, 1130 (2007)

V. M. Dmitriev, I. V. Zolochevskii, E. V. Bezuglyi, D. S. Kondrashev
AC Josephson properties of phase slip lines in wide tin films.
Superconductor Science and Technology 20, 891 (2007)

M. C. Ricci, H. Xu, R. Prozorov, A. P. Zhuravel, A. V. Ustinov, S. M. Anlage
Tunability of superconducting metamaterials.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 17, 918 (2007)

A. P. Zhuravel, S. M. Anlage, A. V. Ustinov
Imaging of microscopic sources of resistive and reactive nonlinearities in superconducting microwave devices.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 17, 902 (2007)

E. V. Bezuglyi, A. S. Vasenko, E. N. Bratus, V. S. Shumeiko, G. Wendin
Multiparticle tunnelling in diffusive superconducting junctions.
Superconductor Science and Technology 20, 529 (2007)

Y. S. Yerin, A. N. Omelyanchouk
Coherent current states in a two-band superconductor.
Low Temperature Physics 33, 401 (2007)

V. M. Dmitriev, I. V. Zolochevskii, E. V. Bezuglyi
Temperature dependences of microwave-enhanced critical current in wide tin films.
V. I. Shnyrkov, S. I. Melnik
Quantum detector based on a superposition of macroscopic states in a phase qubit.
V. Yu. Lyakhno, S. I. Melnik, Yu. V. Fomenko, V. I. Shnyrkov
FRP Dewar for Magnetic Microscope Based on HTSC SQUIDs.
V. I. Shnyrkov, Th. Wagner, D. Born, S. N. Shevchenko, W. Krech, A. N. Omelyanchouk, E. Il’ichev, H.-G. Meyer
Multiphoton transitions between energy levels in a phase-biased Cooper-pair box.
Physical Review B 73, 024506 (2006)

A. M. Glukhov, O. G. Turutanov, V. I. Shnyrkov, A. N. Omelyanchouk
Stochastic resonance in superconducting loops containing Josephson junctions. Numerical simulation.
S. N. Shevchenko
Impact of the transport supercurrent on the density of states in the weak link.
Physical Review B 74, 172502 (2006)

S. N. Shevchenko, A. N. Omelyanchouk
Resonant effects in the strongly driven phase-biased Cooper-pair box.
Low Temperature Physics 32, 973 (2006)

A. P. Zhuravel, S. M. Anlage, A. V. Ustinov
Microwave current imaging in passive HTS microwave components by low-temperature laser scanning microscopy (LTLSM).
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 19, 625 (2006)

S. I. Bondarenko, A. A. Shablo, V. P. Koverya, Yusheng He, Fenghui Zhang, Hongsheng Ding
Features of amplification of dipole magnetic field with linear ferromagnetic concentrator.
Review of Scientific Instruments 77, 094701 (2006)

A. Lukashenko, A. Ustinov A. P. Zhuravel, E. Hollmann, R. Wordenweber
Laser scanning microscopy of guided vortex flow in microstructured high-Tc-films.
V. M. Dmitriev, I. V. Zolochevskii, E. V. Bezuglyi
Enhancement of critical current by microwave irradiation in wide superconducting films.
Superconductor Science and Technology 19, 883 (2006)

S. I. Bondarenko, A. A. Shablo, V. P. Koverya
Study of locally frozen magnetic field in a high-Tc superconducting ceramic.
Low Temperature Physics 32, 628 (2006)

S. I. Melnyk, I. G. Tulusov, A. N. Omelyanchouk
The quantum economics — the mysticism or reality.
E. V. Bezuglyi, A. S. Vasenko, E. N. Bratus, V. S. Shumeiko, G. Wendin
Subgap current in superconducting tunnel junctions with diffusive electrodes.
Physical Review B 73, 220506 (2006)

G. A. Gogadze
The theory of the reentrant effect in susceptibility of cylindrical mesoscopic samples.
Low Temperature Physics 32, 546 (2006)

A. P. Zhuravel, S. M. Anlage, A. V. Ustinov
Measurement of local reactive and resistive photoresponse of a superconducting microwave device.
Applied Physics Letters 88, 212503 (2006)

N. Ya. Fogel, E. I. Buchstab, Yu. V. Bomze, O. I. Yuzephovich, M. Yu. Mikhailov, A. Yu. Sipatov, E. A. Pashitskii, R. I. Shekhter, M. Jonson
Direct evidence for interfacial superconductivity in two-layer semiconducting heterostructures.
Physical Review B 73, 161306 (2006)

S. V. Kuplevakhsky, A. M. Glukhov
Static solitons of the sine-Gordon equation and equilibrium vortex structure in Josephson junctions.
Physical Review B 73, 024513 (2006)

A. P. Zhuravel, A. G. Sivakov, O. G. Turutanov, A. N. Omelyanchouk, Steven M. Anlage, A. Lukashenko, A. V. Ustinov, D. Abraimov
Laser scanning microscopy of HTS films and devices. (review article)
Low Temperature Physics 32, 592 (2006)

V. Yefremenko, E. Gordiyenko, G. Shustakova, S .D. Bader, G. Karapetrov, V. Novosad
Optically activated high Tc superconducting microbolometer.
G. V. Shustakova
Thermal imaging complex “TK1”.
E. V. Bezuglyi, E. N. Bratus, V. S. Shumeiko, V. Vinokur
Phase dependent current statistics in short-arm Andreev interferometer.
in “Theory of Quantum Transport in Metallic and Hybrid Nanostructures” edited by A.Glatz et al., Springer (2006)