ARCHIVE: Department staff
Prof. Volodymyr Samovarov
Prof. Volodymyr Samovarov (1946 – 2021), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, head of the department from 1999 to 2014.
Prof. Samovarov began his scientific career at the Institute immediately after graduating from the Faculty of Physics at Kharkiv State University in 1968. Two years later, he became a junior researcher, and in 1978, he defended his candidate dissertation. In 1983, he becomes a senior researcher, and in 1999 – the head of our department. In 2001, Prof. Samovarov obtained the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences by defending a dissertation in the field of superconductivity. From 2006 to 2014, Prof. Samovarov served as the deputy director of the institute for research work. Since 2014, he held the position of leading researcher in the department.
Upon taking over the Department of Spectroscopy of Condensed Molecular Systems, Prof. Samovarov significantly expanded its research themes, particularly by adding the physics of nanoclusters of atomic and simple molecular gases. As a result of his fruitful scientific activity, Prof. Samovarov authored over 200 scientific papers and 5 patents dedicated to the study of cryogenic helium plasma, optical spectroscopy of cryocrystals of inert elements and high-temperature superconductors, as well as spectroscopic and structural studies of nanoclusters of atomic and molecular gases. Under his guidance, 2 candidate dissertations were defended.
Among the most significant scientific results of Prof. Samovarov, the following can be highlighted: the discovery of the sensitivity of absorption spectra of visible-range quanta to the onset of superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6+x, the development of an optical diagnostics method for the “stripe” state of cuprate high-temperature superconductors, the first observation of exciton-impurity luminescence in binary systems of inert elements, the identification of a new structural state of nitrogen based on dimers of nitrogen molecules, the detection of phase separation effects into practically pure components of solid binary nanosolutions with limited solubility of components, and the first observation of a “pseudocrystalline” state for clusters of rare gases.
Prof. Samovarov’s scientific work has been recognized with the B.I. Verkin award (2008) and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine’s distinction “For Professional Achievements” (2009).
Volodymyr Vakula
Dr. Spartak Kovalenko
Dr. Spartak Kovalenko (1927 – 2022), Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Dr. Kovalenko began his work at the institute in 1964. Since then, for over 50 years, his life had been inextricably linked to it. In 1972, he defended his candidate dissertation. Throughout his fruitful scientific career, Dr. Kovalenko authored over 200 scientific papers, which are widely cited in the international scientific literature. The results he obtained are reflected in many domestic and foreign monographs and reference books. Dr. Kovalenko was repeatedly invited to participate in international conferences, particularly to give overview presentations.
For many years, Dr. Kovalenko conducted electron diffraction research on the structure and properties of thin films, microcrystals, and free clusters of substances from the class of cryocrystals. Under his direct supervision, three candidate dissertations were written and defended. The works of Dr. Kovalenko and his students initiated a new direction in scientific research – low-temperature electron diffraction, which forms the basis of a whole series of scientific achievements of the institute.
Key publicationsO.G. Danylchenko, S.I. Kovalenko, O.P. Konotop, and V.N. Samovarov. Diagnostics of composition and size of clusters formed in supersonic jets of Ar-Kr gas mixtures, Low Temp. Phys. 41, No. 8, 637 (2015).DOI: 10.1063/1.4928921. O.P. Konotop, S.I. Kovalenko, O.G. Danylchenko, and V.N. Samovarov. Composition of Ar-Kr, Kr-Xe, and N2-Ar clusters produced by supersonic expansion of gas mixtures, J. Clust. Sci. 26, No. 3, 863-875 (2015).DOI: 10.1007/s10876-014-0773-6. O.G. Danylchenko, S.I. Kovalenko, O.P. Konotop, and V.N. Samovarov. Electron diffraction data on nucleation and growth of an hcp phase in homogeneous (Ar) and heterogeneous (Ar-Kr) clusters, Low Temp. Phys. 40, No. 12, 1083 (2014).DOI: 10.1063/1.4904000. O.G. Danylchenko, S.I. Kovalenko, O.P. Konotop, and V.N. Samovarov. Dimensions of heterogeneous clusters formed during condensation of Ar-Kr mixtures in supersonic jet, Tech. Phys. Lett. 38, No. 4, 332 (2012).DOI: 10.1134/S1063785012040049. A.G. Danilchenko, S.I. Kovalenko, A.P. Konotop, and V.N. Samovarov. Composition and heavy component enrichment of free Ar-Kr and Kr-Xe clusters, Low Temp. Phys. 37, No. 6, 532 (2011).DOI: 10.1063/1.3624770. A.G. Danil’chenko, S.I. Kovalenko, and V.N. Samovarov. Cluster formation in supersonic CO2 and CO2–Kr jets, Low Temp. Phys. 35, No. 12, 965 (2009).DOI: 10.1063/1.3272565. V.L. Vakula, O.G. Danylchenko, Yu.S. Doronin, S.I. Kovalenko, M.Yu. Libin, and V.N. Samovarov. Observation of exciton luminescence from icosahedral xenon-argon clusters, Low Temp. Phys. 35, No. 12, 944 (2009).DOI: 10.1063/1.3276058. O.G. Danylchenko, S.I. Kovalenko, and V.N. Samovarov. Experimental verification of the Hagena relation for large clusters formed in a conical nozzle, Tech. Phys. Lett. 34, No. 12, 1037 (2008).DOI: 10.1134/S1063785008120146. A.G. Danil’chenko, S.I. Kovalenko, and V.N. Samovarov. Observation of the coexistence of crystalline and liquid-like states in krypton-doped argon clusters, Low Temp. Phys. 34, No. 12, 1030 (2008).DOI: 10.1063/1.3029757. A.G. Danil’chenko, S.I. Kovalenko, and V.N. Samovarov. Electron diffraction analysis of the FCC–HCP transition in argon clusters with a change in cluster size, Low Temp. Phys. 34, No. 11, 966 (2008).DOI: 10.1063/1.3009597. V.L. Vakula, A.G. Danil’chenko, Yu.S. Doronin, S.I. Kovalenko, M.Yu. Libin, and V.N. Samovarov. Direct observation of free excitons in the luminescence spectra of xenon clusters, Low Temp. Phys. 33, No. 4, 383 (2007).DOI: 10.1063/1.2720088. O.G. Danylchenko, Yu.S. Doronin, S.I. Kovalenko, M.Yu. Libin, V.N. Samovarov, and V.L. Vakula. Luminescence evidence for bulk and surface excitons in free xenon clusters, Phys. Rev. A 76, No. 4, 043202 (2007).DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.76.043202. O.G. Danylchenko, S.I. Kovalenko, and V.N. Samovarov. Structure of mixed clusters formed in supersonic jets of Ar-N2 gas mixtures, Low Temp. Phys. 33, No. 12, 1043 (2007).DOI: 10.1063/1.2747089. O.G. Danylchenko, S.I. Kovalenko, and V.N. Samovarov. Electron diffraction study of two-component clusters Ar–Kr: Features of the nucleation, growth mechanisms, and structural states, Low Temp. Phys. 32, No. 12, 1182 (2006).DOI: 10.1063/1.2400697. O.G. Danylchenko, Yu.S. Doronin, S.I. Kovalenko, and V.N. Samovarov. Phase separation into pure components in mixed Ar-Xe clusters, JETP Lett. 84, No. 6, 324 (2006).DOI: 10.1134/S002136400618010X. A.G. Danil’chenko, S.I. Kovalenko, and V.N. Samovarov. Kinetics of homogeneous crystallization of nitrogen according to electron diffraction data for free clusters, Low Temp. Phys. 31, No. 11, 979 (2005).DOI: 10.1063/1.2127890. A.G. Danylchenko and S.I. Kovalenko. Structural transformations in argon nanoclusters (in Russian), Nanosistemi, nanomateriali, nanotehnologii 3, No. 2, 529 (2005). E.A. Bondarenko, E.T. Verkhovtseva, E.V. Gnatchenko, O.G. Danylchenko, Yu.S. Doronin, S.I. Kovalenko, V.N. Samovarov, and A.A. Tkachenko. Spectroscopic, structural, and diagnostic methods for studying rare-gas clusters using supersonic jets (in Russian), Nanosistemi, nanomateriali, nanotehnologii 3, No. 2, 521 (2005).
Volodymyr Vakula
Dr. Andrii Barabashov
Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Doctor of Philosophy).
Anton Klimkin
PhD student.
Key publicationsV.A. Gudimenko, D.A. Harbuz, A.S. Klimkin, V.L. Vakula, A.P. Pospelov, G.V. Kamarchuk. Selection of point-contact sensors for analysis of complex gas media, KhNU Bulletin, series “Physics”, issue 27, 26-30 (2017).Article page // PDF (open access). S.A. Golovko, V.A. Gudimenko, A.S. Klimkin, A.M. Pletnev, V.L. Vakula, A.S. Zaika, L.V. Kamarchuk, I.G. Kushch, A.P. Pospelov, A.V. Kravchenko, G.V. Kamarchuk. Development of Criteria for Analysis of Point-Contact Sensor Characteristics in Complex Gas Media. Universal Journal of Materials Science 4 No. 2, 32 (2016).DOI: 10.13189/ujms.2016.040203. A.S. Klimkin, V.A. Gudimenko, A.O. Gerus, V.V. Fisun, A.P. Pospelov, G.V. Kamarchuk, Study of tungsten point contacts’ electric conductivity in a complex gas medium, Visnyk KhNU “Physics” 1158, No. 23, 80-83 (2015).Article page // PDF (open access).
Svitlana Golovko
PhD student.
Key publicationsS.A. Golovko, V.A. Gudimenko, A.S. Klimkin, A.M. Pletnev, V.L. Vakula, A.S. Zaika, L.V. Kamarchuk, I.G. Kushch, A.P. Pospelov, A.V. Kravchenko, G.V. Kamarchuk. Development of Criteria for Analysis of Point-Contact Sensor Characteristics in Complex Gas Media. Universal Journal of Materials Science 4 No. 2, 32 (2016).DOI: 10.13189/ujms.2016.040203.
Platon Dmitriev
PhD student.
Maxym Maslivets
Graduate student.
Key publicationsМаслівець М.А., Бофанова М.В., Гудименко В.О., Поспєлов О.П., Сахненко М.Д., Ведь М.В., Камарчук Г.В. Особливості нелінійної електропровідності точкових контактів Янсона на основі сплаву W-MO-CO під впливом газового середовища, «Photonics-ODS 2018», October 02 - 04, 2018, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, pp. 256-257. Маслівець М.А., Бофанова М.В., Єрмоленко І.Ю., Гудименко В.О., Сахненко М.Д., Камарчук Г.В., Ведь М.В., Поспєлов О.П. Наноструктурний чутливий елемент на основі тернарного сплаву W – Mo – Co, XIII International Conference «Physical phenomena in solids», December 05 - 08, 2017, Kharkiv, Ukraine, p. 48 (60). Бофанова М.В., Масливец М.А., Ермоленко И.Ю., Гудименко В.А., Сахненко Н.Д., Камарчук Г.В., Ведь М.В., Поспелов А.П. Наноструктурный сенсорный элемент на основе синергетических сплавов для оперативного мониторинга окружающей среды, Proceedings of the 5th Іnternational Scientific Conference Young Scientists «Ecology, Neoekology, Environment Protection and Balanced Natural Management», November 29 – 30, 2017, Kharkiv , Ukraine, pp. 168-169. Maslivets M.A., Klimkin A.S., Gudimenko V.A., Pospelov A.P., Kamarchuk G.V. Gas-sensitive point contacts' nonmonotonic response under human breath gas, «OPTICS-2017», July 03 - 07, 2017, Wroclaw, Poland. Klimkin A.S., Maslivets M.А., Gudimenko V.A., Pospelov А.P., Kamarchuk G.V., Investigation of the gas-sensitive point contacts’ nonmonotonic response under human breath gas, «ICYS-LTP-2016», June 06-10, 2016, Kharkiv, Ukraine, p. 140.
Last updated: 12/20/2024
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