Venue: Conference Room ILTPE
Archive : 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
05-12-2012 1000 |
“Higgs Bozon and the Origin
of Mass-Elementary Particles” |
04-04-2012 1000 |
“Griffiths phase,
metal-dielectric transition, magnetic and magnetoresistive properties of
doped manganites. ” |
30-03-2012 1000 |
“Radio- and Geophysical Global Effects in Circumterrestrial Space: results of
investigations, methods and prospects. ” |
28-03-2012 1000 |
“About new possibilities
correlation-optical diagnostics of light-scattering objects and media” |
21-03-2012 1000 |
“Radiophisical investigation of planar
metamaterials ” |
14-03-2012 1000 |
“Magnetism, Superconductivity and electronic
structure: from cuprates iron pnictides” |
15-02-2012 1000 |
“Scanning tunnel microscopy
of organic monolayers” |
08-02-2012 1000 |
“Graphene on ferroelectric - physical
properties and application” |