B.I. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature
Physics and Engineering
of NAS Ukraine
47 Nauky Ave., 61103 Kharkiv, UKRAINE
Phone: + (380)-57-340-22-23
Fax: + (380)-57-340-33-70
E-mail: ilt@ilt.kharkov.ua
The ILT 9-2004 cryostat
is specifically designed for Low-Temperature Laser Scanning Microscopy
(LTLSM) and for high-resolution magneto-optical (MO)
Reflected Light and Laser Scanning Microscopy
UV, VIS, IR and Raman Spectroscopy
Material Science and Solid-State Physics
Failure and defect analysis in superconducting films
and planar DC/rf devices
Can be used with the Superconducting magnet system
Advantages of the cryostat include:
Window clear aperture > 25 mm
Sub-micron spatial resolution guarantied at
microscope imaging. Sample holder vibration < 0.1 µm
Sample holder diameter 25 mm. Adjustable sample
Precise temperature stabilization from 78 K to room
temperature. Temperature stability ±0.01
K with using PID controller
Minimized sample drift in vertical and horizontal
position. At 78 K, after 2 hrs ± 0.3 µm
lateral, ± 1 µm
Options include interchangeable sample
holders for different sample orientations |

The liquid nitrogen (LN2) optical cryostat operates at
temperatures between 77 and 300 K (up to 325 K) usually; maintain the
sample in vacuum conditions.
- Dimensions of LN2 vacuum loaded cryostat:
height is 270 mm including 100 mm top tip of 37 mm diameter
flange diameter 190 mm
Liquid nitrogen consumption < 0.25 litres/hr
Liquid nitrogen volume 1.2 litres
- Liquid nitrogen hold time ~ 8 hours
- Heater resistance 50 Ohm
- Cool down time (from 300 K to 78 K) < 60 min
- Connectors: two 10 PIN electrical connectors
Weight 6 kg
The details of the cryostat
specifications may be customized by order. |