International seminar Geometry "in large",
dedicated to 85 anniversary of A.V.Pogorelov
(May 11-15, 2004, Kharkiv)

May 14

Masaltsev L.A. Vlasenko D.I. Kruglov V.V. Moore J.D.
L.A.Masaltsev D.I.Vlasenko V.V.Kruglov
Kharkov Mathematical 
Society Meeting

May 15

Moore J.D. Aminov Yu.A. Moore J.D., AminovYu.A. Ilienko K.V.
J.D.Moore Yu.A.Aminov J.D.Moore, Yu.A.Aminov K.V.Ilienko

Gallery of pictures: talks and communications, May 11
Gallery of pictures: talks and communications, May 12-13

Main page
Program and abstracts