Oscillatory and nonlinear effects in bismuth

"High-temperature" quantum oscillations

The new type quantum oscillations of kinetic coefficients (magnetoresistance and thermoelectromotive) – quantum "high-temperature" oscillatory kinetic effect is found [1, 2] and experimentally investigated in bismuth. It was shown that HTO arise from the intervalley electron-hole scattering as a result of interference between carrier density oscillations at the Fermi level of the electron and hole parts of the energy spectrum [3-5].

1. Vit.B. Krasovitsky, V.V. Khotkevich. The effect of anisotropic deformations on "high-temperature" oscillation frequencies of magnetoresistance in bismuth // Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 17, 374 (1991).
2. Vit.B. Krasovitsky, V.V. Khotkevich, A.G.M. Jansen, P. Wyder. "High-temperature" oscillations of bismuth conductivity in the ultra-quantum limit // Low Temp. Phys., 25, No.8-9, 677-681 (1999).
3. Krasovitsky V.B. "High-temperature" oscillations of bismuth conductivity in the ultra-quantum limit // Intl. Journal of Modern Physics, B16, N22, 3054 (2002).
4. Krasovitsky V. Quantum oscillations of Bi and BiSb magnetoresistance in magnetic fields up to 33T // Physica B, 329-333, 1099 (2003).
5. Krasovitsky V.B. "High-temperature" oscillations of Bi and Bi1-xSbx conductivity in high magnetic fields // Phys. Rev. B, 68, 075110 (2003).

Effects of phonon generation in bismuth

· Transport phenomena that arise from relaxation processes in the electron and phonon systems under the supersonic electron drift in the magnetic field (the Esaki effect) are investigated in bismuth [1, 2].


1. Vit.B. Krasovitsky, S.V. Bengus. Transverse galvanothermomagnetic effect in the phonon generation mode in bismuth // Low Temp. Phys., 19, No.7, 576 (1993).
2. Vit.B. Krasovitsky, S.V. Bengus. Generation of nonequilibrium phonons and phonon-electron drag in bismuth // Low Temp. Phys., 25, No.5, 359 (1999).