Olga V. Miloslavskaya


Scientific Researcher


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Tel.:  +38 (057) 341-08-46,


e-mail: miloslavskaya @ ilt.kharkov.ua





Date of birth:                      23 October 1953, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Education:                          1971-1976, Physics Department of the V.I.Karazin Kharkiv National University


Scientific degree:               1989 - Phil. Doctor in Magnetic Phenomena Physics; Ph.D. Thesis “Influence of the interaction between layers on the magnetic states of double-layered epitaxial ferrite-garnet film”


Main directions of research activity:

 Spectral magnetooptical investigations of the media with various kinds of optical and magnetic anisotropy. Studies of temperature behaviour of magnetic and optical properties of multiferroics and nanosized layered periodic structures with different composition and configuration of the structure elements


Professional career:

From 1989 – scientific researcher in Department of Optical and Magnetic Properties of Solids in ILTPE

1976 – 1989 – engineer in ILTPE



Selected publications:


1.             Optimization of one-dimensional photonic crystals with double layer magneto-active defect. T.V. Mikhailova, V.N. Berzhansky, A.N. Shaposhnikov, A.V. Karavainikov, A.R. Prokopov, Yu.M. Kharchenko, I.M. Lukienko, O.V. Miloslavskaya, M.F. Kharchenko. Optical Materials 78, 521-530 (2018).

2.             Magnetooptics of single and microresonator iron-garnet films at low temperatures. A.N. Shaposhnikov, A.R. Prokopov, V.N. Berzhansky, T.V. Mikhailova, A.V. Karavainikov, M.F. Kharchenko, V.I. Belotelov , I.M. Lukienko, O.V. Miloslavskaya, Yu.M. Optical Materials 52, 21–25 (2016).

3.             Microcavity One-Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystals with Double Layer Bi-Substituted Iron Garnet Films: Optical and Magneto-Optical Responses in Transmission and Reflection. Vladimir N. Berzhansky, Tatyana V. Mikhailova, Andrey V. Karavainikov, Anatoly R. Prokopov, Alexander N. Shaposhnikov, Yuriy M. Kharchenko, Irene M. Lukienko, Olga V. Miloslavskaya, Mykola F. Kharchenko, Vladimir I. Belotelov, Vladimir O. Golub. Solid State Phenomena 230, 241-246 (2015).

4.             The Effect of Faraday Rotation Enhancement in Nanolayered Structures of Bi - substituted Iron Garnets. Vladimir N. Berzhansky, a, Alexander N. Shaposhnikov, Andrey V. Karavainikov, Anatoly R. Prokopov, Tatyana V. Mikhailova, Nikolai F. Kharchenko, Irene N. Lukienko, Yuriy N. Kharchenko, Olga V. Miloslavskaya, Viacheslav A. Kotov, c and Vladimir I. Belotelov. Solid State Phenomena 200, 233-238 (2013).

5.             Microcavity One-Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystals with Double Layer Iron Garnet. Berzhansky V.N., Mikhailova T.V., Karavainikov A.V., Prokopov A.R., Shaposhnikov A.N., Lukienko I.N., Kharchenko Yu.N., Miloslavskaya O.V. and Kharchenko N.F. Journal of the Magnetic Society of Japan, 36, (1), 42-45 (2012).

6.             Schottky anomaly of linear birefringence of light in the antiferromagnetic crystal NF Kharchenko, YN Kharchenko, OV Miloslavskaya Low Temperature Physics 34 (12), 1015-1018. (2008)

7.             Odd magnetic dichroism of linearly polarized light in the antiferromagnet MnF2. N.F. Kharchenko, O.V. Miloslavskaya, A.A. Milner. Low temperature physics 31 (8), 825-830 (2005).

8.             Photoinduced magnetic linear dichroism in YIG:Co film. O.V.Miloslavska, Yu.N.Kharchenko, N.F.Kharchenko, V.G.Yurko, A.Stupakiewicz, A.Maziewski.  Low Temp. Phys. v.28, No.4, pp.267-269 (2002).

9.             Magnetic circular dichroism properties of Y-Ba-Cu-O transparent films. A.A Milner, N.F. Kharchenko, O.V. Miloslavskaya, A.T. Pugachev. Physica C: Superconductivity 209 (1-3), 225-228 (1993)

10.         Investigations of the crystal and magnetic structure heterogeneities of RbMnCl3. A.I. Belyaeva, M.M. Kotlyarskii, O.V. Miloslavskaya, Y.N. Stelmaehov. Physica Status Solidi (a) 83 (1), 245-253 (1984)

11.         Orientational Transitions in 2-Layer Ferrite-garnet Films Induced by Displacive Fields. A.I Belyaeva, O.V. Miloslavskaya, V.P. Yurev, V.A. Potakova. Soviet Physics, Solid State 26 (11), 3250-3254 (1984)