Registration Form   (Deadline:30.11.1999 )

Please complete (type or use capital letters) and return  to:

Institute for Low Temperature Physics & Engineering, 47, Lenin ave.,  310164, Kharkov, Ukraine,

Phone:+380-(572)-321-223,   Fax:+380-(572)-322-370;    +380-(572)-335-593,

Family Name __________________________________
First Name and Initials __________________________________
Title (circle one)

Prof. Dr. Mr. Ms. Mrs.

Year of birth __________________________________
Company/University __________________________________
Department/Institute __________________________________
Street __________________________________
P.O.Box __________________________________
Zip Code __________________________________
City __________________________________
Country __________________________________
Phone __________________________________
Fax __________________________________
E_mail __________________________________

Accompanying persons


Section, in wich you would like to participate


Topic of your report at a plenary sitting


Topic of your speech at the section


Topic of your open lesson


Pupils' age




For the report I will need following equipment

Overhead projector


Slide projector


TV-set and video taperecoder


Other equipment


Please send the Invitation and Registration Form also to (name, address and telefax)

Date,  Signature __________________________________