Nanophotonics journal, De Gruyter, Sciencewise Publishing, and the Optica Foundation Grants for Ukrainian scientists

(Ukraine Optics and Photonics Researcher Grant 2023)

Spectroscopic studies of the  interaction between DNA and MoS2

Project Team Ph.D.  E.L. USENKO
Period 2024, 1 – 2024, 12

For the first time, optical absorption spectroscopy and thermal denaturation are used to study the effect of the MoS2 flake injection on the thermal stability of native DNA. The performed analysis of the spectroscopic data shows that the addition of MoS2 flakes to the DNA suspension leads to the formation of unwound regions in double-stranded native DNA. However, in general, when DNA binds with MoS2 flake, the double-stranded conformation is maintained. The injection of MoS2 flakes into the DNA suspension leads to an increase in the DNA melting temperature by about 8.2 0C. The increase can be attributed to the covalent interaction of the phosphate oxygen atoms with the MoS2 molybdenum atoms. The biocompatible MoS2 flakes are model objects for the development of drug-related products based on transition-metal dichalcogenides. For example, such products can find application in photodynamic therapy, where separation and size control of the acting nanoassemblies are necessary. The results obtained in the present study can also be used to fabricate various hygiene products, as well as products for use in medicine and pharmacology.

Selected publications Glamazda A., Usenko E., Svidzerska A., Valeev V., Voloshin I., Laguta A., Petrushenko S., Stepanian S., Adamowicz L., and Karachevtsev V. Binding of native DNA to MoS2 nanoflakes: the role of defects and edge atoms of MoS2 nanostructures in their biofunctionalization // Low Temp. Phys., 2025 (submitted)