IV International Conference

Condensed Matter & Low Temperature Physics 2024

3th - 7th June 2024 | ONLINE | Kharkiv, Ukraine

Dear participants! All Conference events will be held on Kyiv time (GMT + 3)

Conference Zoom meeting link:
Meeting ID: 822 6185 0705
Passode: 435177

Find the final program in the "Program" section above.

Dear participants, please check your mail carefully!
All the necessary information was sent to all participants.

While Ukrainian scientific institutions are being destroyed by russian missiles, Ukrainian scientists do science under bombs without heat and light in their homes.

That's why we encourage the condensed matter and low temperature physicists community to support Ukrainian way of the thirst for new knowledges despite any obstacles!

This time the poster section will be held online. At the beginning of the poster section each participant one by one will briefly present his report (1.5 - 2 minutes). After that, each poster presenter will then be invited to a private room via Zoom so that all participants can ask questions.

Prepare please your poster presentation and send it on the *pdf.file format respectively to cmltp2024@gmail.com before 20 May 2024.

Welcome to CMLTP-2024!

Be brave like Ukraine!

About CM&LTP 2024

Dear colleagues,

The Organizing Committee of the IV International Conference “Condensed Matter & Low-Temperature Physics” are glad to invite you to participate in the event "CM & LTP – 2024”, which will be held on June 3-7, 2024 (online format). This event is traditionally held at B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ILTPE), Kharkiv, Ukraine. Unfortunately, due to the russian terrorist attacks, we are not able to invite you to visit our country or city. Nevertheless, you will enjoy attending our Conference ONLINE.

The program focuses on all modern aspects of experimental and theoretical condensed matter physics, including low-temperature physics, superconductivity, magnetism, optics, nanophysics, biophysics, materials science, and related topics.

The Organizing Committee does not accept applications from participants (or their co-authors) from russian or belarusian organizations.

Main Topics

1. Electronic Properties of Conducting and Superconducting Systems;

2. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials;

3. Optics, Photonics and Optical Spectroscopy;

4. Quantum Liquids and Quantum Crystals, Cryocrystals;

5. Nanophysics and Nanotechnologies;

6. Biophysics and Physics of Macromolecules;

7. Materials Science;

8. Theory of Condensed Matter Physics;

9. Technologies and Instrumentation for Physical Experiments;

International Program Committee

Prof. Yurii Naidyuk, Corr. Member NASU, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine), Chair
Prof. Alexander Dolbin, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine), Vice-chair
Dr. Mykola Glushchuk, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Dr. Volodymyr P. Gnezdilov, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Dr. Alexander Yu. Glamazda, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Prof. Viktor Chabanenko, DonFTI NASU (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Dr. Alexey Fedorchenko, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Dr. Oleksandr Kalinenko, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Prof. Gennadii Kamarchuk, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Prof. Yuriy Kolesnichenko, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Prof. Pavel Pal-Val, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Prof. Leonid Pastur, Full Member NASU, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Prof. Elena Savchenko, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Dr. Sergiy Shevchenko, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Dr. Victor Slavin, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Dr. Svyatoslav Sokolov, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Prof. Andrzej Szewczyk, IF PAN (Warsaw, Poland)
Prof. Yevgen Syrkin, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Dr. Andrii Terekhov, ILTPE NASU (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Forms of Participation


Option for those who would like to attend plenary and regular sessions without presenting any report

Format: attending all scientific sessions without presenting any report

How to participate as Listener:
you need just to register and pay the registration fee according to instruction that you will receive to your e-mail.

Special requirements: n/a

Publication: n/a.
Your name will be listed in the list of attendees in Abstracts' Book

What document of participation you get: Certificate of participation

Regular Participant

Option for those who would like to present their results as short oral presentation or poster

Format: 10-min oral presentation including time for discussion or poster (A1, portrait orientation)

How to participate as Regular Participant:
you have to register, send your abstract(s) according Abstract Template to cmltp2024@gmail.com, and wait for abstract reviewing by the Program committee. When you receive the acceptance notification with the invitation letter, you need to pay the registration fee according to instruction that you will receive to your e-mail.

Special requirements: n/a

Publication: one-page abstract in Abstracts Book

What document of participation you get: Certificate of participation

Poster Presentation

Prepare please your poster presentation and send it on the *pdf.file format respectively to cmltp2024@gmail.com before 20 May 2024.

Invited Speaker

Option for experienced scientists who would like to make an oral report on general topic or current results as plenary lecture

Format: 30-min plenary lecture including time for discussion

How to participate as Invited Speaker:
you have to register, send your abstract(s) according Abstract Template and CV to cmltp2024@gmail.com, and wait for approving by Program committee. When you receive the acceptance notification with the invitation letter, you need to pay the registration fee according to instruction that you will receive to your e-mail.

Special requirements:
Doctoral degree (PhD) and 5 years and more of scientific work after PhD defense

Publication: one-page abstract in Abstracts Book

What document of participation you get: Honorary diploma

Registration fee:
Free for listeners;
Free for locals (registered speakers with Ukrainian’s affiliation only);
60 EUR for nonlocals (speakers from other countries, and Ukrainians with affiliation of foreign organizations).

You are also welcome to submit your manuscripts for publication in the peer-reviewed journal Fizyka Nyzkykh Temperatur. The articles from the journal Fizyka Nyzkykh Temperatur will also be published in the English version of the journal Low Temperature Physics. All your questions about manuscript can be addressed to the Editorial Board & Advisory Board of the journal "Fizyka Nyzkykh Temperatur" via fnt@ilt.kharkov.ua or fntjournal@gmail.com

Partners & Co-organizers