Deadlines and Important Dates
First Announcement |
October 31, 2005 |
Pre-registration |
February 1, 2006 |
Abstract Submission Deadline |
April 10, 2006 |
Second Announcement |
June 1, 2006 |
Hotel and Conference Registration |
August 1, 2006 |
In order to pre-register, you can fill in Pre-registration form (mandatory
fields are marked with asterisks) and click "submit" button, or copy the form,
fill it in and send by e-mail to
Registration Fees
The Conference fee is
Participants from Former Soviet Union |
100 UAH |
Participants from other countries |
120 Î (or USD
equivalent) |
Accompanying person from FSU |
30 UAH |
from other countries |
40 Î (or USD
equivalent) |
Registration fee covers Book of abstracts with Conference Program, Get-together
party, coffee breaks, and local transportation. The Conference dinner can be paid
for during registration.
The information concerning hotel rooms and other details of accommodation
will be posted later.