Yuriy Sharlai, Senior Researcher, PhD. 

Graduated from Kharkov State University in 1995.
PhD Phys & Math, ILTPE, 2000.


Dr. Yuriy V. Sharlai (Sharlay)
Institute for Low Temperature Physics & Engineering
47, Lenin Ave.
61103 Kharkiv
Email: sharlai@ilt.kharkov.ua , Sharlai.Yuriy@gmail.com
Phone: +38-067-1100-369, +38-057-340-57-02,
Fax: +(38)-057-340-33-70

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Berry phase and band-contact lines in graphite

Research interests:
quantum mechanics phases: geometric, dynamic and topological Fermi surface: calculations and measurements; effective mass, g factor.
crystal-field theory and spin Hamiltonians. Landau levels; spin-orbit coupling; Zeeman splitting.
Field dependence of magnetic susceptibility and transport coefficents of crystals under conditions of degeneracy of their electron energy band (as in graphite, graphene, bismuth, zinc, etc.)
(See also: Mikitik)

Selected publications: