Yuriy Monarkha, Leading Researcher. Graduated from Kharkov State University in1972.
PhD Phys & Math, ILTPE, 1977.
DSc Phys & Math, ILTPE, 1988.
Works at the ILTPE since 1974. Is the co-author of four books. Awards: 1) The
medal of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1981), 2) The title of
''Visiting Professor of RIKEN'' under the RIKEN eminent scientist invitation
program, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Japan (2001). |
Main research field is:
Strongly Correlated Low-Dimensional Electron Systems
The current research area includes quantum transport phenomena in
low-dimensional electron systems with extremely strong internal interactions.
The central objects of interest are the Coulomb liquid, of which the average
Coulomb interaction energy per electron is much higher than the mean kinetic
energy, and the Wigner solid. The important research themes are the
unconventional Hall effect in two-dimensional (2D) electron liquids, quantum
cyclotron resonance and dynamics of highly correlated electrons strongly coupled
with medium excitations. The most popular experimental realizations of such
systems, which possess remarkable properties, are the 2D Coulomb liquid and
Wigner solid formed on the free surface of liquid helium and other cryogenic
interfaces. An instructive result of these studies is that the relationship and
similarity between a strongly correlated electron liquid and an ideal gas can be
established not for the excitation spectrums, but for a more global property,
the dynamical structure factor, which plays an important role in the quantum
transport theory of highly correlated electrons. In 2012, this result was successfully applied for description of Coulombic effects on microwave-induced magnetoconductivity oscillations of surface electrons on liquid helium.
Main publications:
- Yu.P. Monarkha, Population Inversion and Novel
Magnetoconductivity Oscillations Induced by Resonant Microwave Irradiation in
Multisubband Two-Dimensional Electron Systems, JETP Letters, 98, 9
- D.
Konstantinov, Yu. Monarkha, K. Kono, Effect
of Coulomb Interaction on Microwave-Induced Magnetoconductivity Oscillations of
Surface Electrons on Liquid Helium, Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 266802
- Yu.P. Monarkha
and V.E. Syvokon, A Two-Dimensional Wigner
Crystal (Review Article), Low Temp. Phys., 38, 1067 (2012).
- Yuriy P. Monarkha and Kimitoshi Kono, Two-Dimensional Coulomb Liquids and Solids,
Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences Vol. 142 (Springer-Verlag; Berlin,
Heidelberg; 2004).
- Yu.P. Monarkha, E. Teske, P. Wyder, Quantum
Magnetotransport inTwo-Dimensional Coulomb Liquids, Physics Reports 370, issue 1, pages 1-61 (2002).
- Yu.P. Monarkha and K. Kono, Detrapping Aspects of
Ripplonic Polarons on a Liquid Helium Film, Phys. Rev. B 65,
212507-1 (2002).