Oksana Charkina

- Department of Theoretical Physics,
- B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics & Engineering
- of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- 47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine
- Graduated from Kharkov State University in 1995.
- Post-graduate Study in B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU, 1995-2001
- PhD Phys & Math, B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU, 2011.
Research area:
The theory of nonlinear phenomena in condensed matter physics based on the soliton concept and its applications for description of nonlinear effects in solids.
Last five years activity and current interests:
Subjects of current investigations include theoretical research of the non-stationary and internal dynamics of topological solitons and conditions of formation and propagation of bound soliton complexes and breather excitations in nonlinear systems with the strong dispersion, computer simulation of the soliton-complexes nonstationary dynamics, exact theoretical description of spin waves scattering by moving domain walls in anisotropic antiferromagnets in a magnetic field, an exact solution of the problem of the stability of discrete magnetic nanostructures and the spectral problem for their localized excitations in quasi-one-dimensional ferromagnet, and construction of the theory of the local negative magnetic permeability in nonlinear low-dimensional metamaterials and revealing a possibility of observation of breather excitations in such systems.
Educational activity:
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute":
"Theoretical physics" – 2015-2018;
"Field Theory and Quantum Mechanics" – 2015-2018;
"Quantum Mechanics" – 2017-2018
Zhuck N.P. Green's functions of Maxwell's equations for
the plane-layered Tellegen bi-isotropic medium /
N.P Zhuck, O.V. Charkina, S.N. Shul’ga // Journal of communications technology & electronics. – 1996. – V.41, No 1. – P. 22–28. -
Chishko K.A. Emission of electromagnetic waves by edge
dislocations moving in ionic crystals /
K.A. Chishko, O.V. Charkina // Physics of the Solid State. – 1996. – V.38, No 9. – P. 1521-1526. -
Chishko K.A. Radiation of electromagnetic waves from edge
dislocations moving in ionic crystals /
K.A. Chishko, O.V. Charkina // Materials Sciences & Engineering: A. – 1997. – V.234-236. – P. 361-364. -
Charkina O.V. Electromagnetic Emission of Mobile
Dislocation Segments in an Ionic Crystal /
O.V. Charkina, K.A. Chishko //
Physics of the Solid State. – 2001 – V.43, No 10. – P. 1898-1904. -
Antsygina T.N. Heat Capacity of 2D Solid Solution of
Diatomic Molecules in Rare Gas Matrix / T.N. Antsygina,
O.V. Charkina, M.I. Poltavskaya //
Journal of Low Temperature Physics. – 2005 – V.138, No 1/2. – P. 379-384. -
Charkina O.V. Internal Modes of Oscillations of
Topological Solitons in Highly Dispersive Media /
O.V. Charkina, M.M. Bogdan //
Uzhhorod University Scientific Herald. Series Physics. – 2005. – Iss.17. – P. 30-37. -
Charkina O.V. Internal Modes of Solitons and
Near-Integrable Highly-Dispersive Nonlinear Systems /
O.V. Charkina, M.M. Bogdan //
SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications). – 2006. – V. 2, No 047. – P. 1–12. -
Charkina O.V. Processes of formation of soliton complexes
and breathers in highly dispersive media /
O.V. Charkina, M.M. Bogdan //
Uzhhorod University Scientific Herald. Series Physics. – 2007. – Iss.21. – P. 196–204. [in Ukrainian]. -
Bogdan M.M. Dynamical features of bound states of
topological solitons in highly dispersive low-dimensional
systems / M.M. Bogdan,
O.V. Charkina //
Low Temperature Physics. – 2007. –V.33, No 12. – P. 1073–1076. -
Bogdan M.M. Dynamics and stability of solitons in the
sine-Gordon models with a strong dispersion /
M.M. Bogdan, O.V. Charkina //
Nonlinear world. – 2008. – V.6, No 5-6. – P. 324–333. [in Russian]. -
Bogdan M.M. Dynamics of bound soliton states in
regularized dispersive equations / M.M. Bogdan,
O.V. Charkina //
Low Temperature Physics. – 2008. – V.34, No 7. – P. 564–570. -
Bogdan M.M. Spin waves in easy-axis antiferromagnets with
precessing domain walls / M.M. Bogdan,
O.V. Charkina //
Low Temperature Physics. – 2014. – V.40, No 1. – P. 84-90. -
Bogdan M.M. Local negative magnetic permeability and
possibility of observation of breather excitations in magnetic
metamaterials / M.M. Bogdan, O.V. Charkina //
Low Temperature Physics. – 2014. – V.40, No 3. – P. 234–238. -
Spin-current resonances in a magnetically inhomogeneous 2D
conducting system / O.V. Charkina ,
A.N. Kalinenko, A.I. Kopeliovich, P.V. Pyshkin,
A.V. Yanovsky //
Physics Letters A. – 2016. – V.380. – P. 3678-3682. -
Charkina О.V. Localized excitations and scattering of
spin waves in ferromagnetic chains containing magnetic nanoclusters /
O.V. Charkina, M.M. Bogdan //
Low Temperature Physics. – 2018. – V.44, No 7. – P. 644-650. -
Bogdan M.M. The effect of the magnetic field on the
stability and excitation spectrum of spin nanoclusters in
anisotropic ferromagnetic chains / M.M. Bogdan,
V.I. Belan,
O.V. Charkina //
Low Temperature Physics. – 2018. – V.44, No 12. – P. 1331-1340.