Mikhail Bogdan, Leading Researcher
Department of Theoretical Physics,
B.I.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics & Engineering,
47 Lenin Ave., Kharkov, Ukraine
Telephone:+38 (057) 341-09-39
Fax:+38 (057) 340-33-70
Graduated from Kharkov State University in 1974.
Post-graduate Study in Kharkov State University,
PhD Phys & Math, ILTPE, 1983.
DSc Phys & Math, ILTPE, 2001. |
Was born in Kharkov Region,
Ukraine, in 1952. Has been working at ILTPE as a junior researcher from
1978 to 1986, as a researcher from 1986 to 1991, as a senior researcher
from 1991 to 2004. Is working as a leading researcher from 2004.
Research area:
The theory of nonlinear phenomena in condensed matter physics based on the
soliton concept and its applications for description of nonlinear effects in
are the following:
● Finding the exact multisoliton solutions
of the Landau-Lifshitz equation for one-dimensional biaxial ferromagnet, ● Discovery of the oscillatory instability
in soliton dynamics, ● Theoretical description of formation of
multisoliton complexes and their coherent motion in strongly dispersive media,
● Finding the exact discrete multibreather
and periodic solutions in integrable nonlinear lattices, ● Exact description of spin waves in
anisotropic ferro- and antiferromagnets containing domain walls in the presence
of a magnetic field.
Last five years activity and current interests:
Subjects of current investigations include
dynamical properties of nonlinear excitations in condensed matter, especially
soliton interaction and formation of multisoliton complexes in strongly
dispersive media, investigation of their stability properties and internal
motion, computer simulation of the nonstationary dynamics of soliton complexes;
exact theoretical description of spin waves scattering by moving domain walls in
anisotropic antiferromagnets in a magnetic field; theory of the local negative magnetic permeability in nonlinear metamaterials and
possibility of observation of breather excitations in such systems; exact description
of collision processes of discrete breathers and shock waves in integrable
models of anharmonic crystals and nonlinear transmission lines, in particular in
the finite-size systems.
Educational activity:
● Professor of the Theoretical Physics
Department named by academician I.M. Lifshits in Kharkov National University
from 2006 up to now. Personal page in Kharkov University:
● Supervisor of three PhDs (in theoretical
physics and solid state physics).
Diploma of Presidium of NAS of Ukraine, 2008.
List of XXI-century publications :
- M.M.Bogdan, A.M.Kosevich, and G.A.Maugin. Soliton Complex Dynamics in
Strongly Dispersive Medium. Wave Motion. V.34, No.1, 1-26 (2001).
- M.M.Bogdan, C.E.Zaspel, Vortex Patterns in Layered Magnets with Magnetic
and Nonmagnetic Impurities. physica status solidi (a), V.189, No. 3,
983-988 (2002).
- M.M.Bogdan and G.A.Maugin. Exact discrete breather solutions and
conservation laws of lattice equations. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys.
Math., V.52, No.1, 76-84 (2003).
- M.M. Bogdan The frustrated vortex in a two-dimensional antiferromagnet.
Low Temperature Physics. V.31, No.8/9, 968-973 (2005).
- M.M. Bogdan, A.S.Kovalev, and E. Malyuta. Spectrum
of nonlinear excitations of modulated nanoclusters. Low
Temperature Physics. V. 31, No.7, 613-618 (2005).
- O.V. Charkina and M.M. Bogdan. Internal Modes of Oscillations of
Topological Solitons in Highly Dispersive Media. Uzhhorod University
Scientific Herald. Series Physics. Iss. 17,
30-37 (2005).
- S. Boscolo, S.A. Derevyanko, S.K. Turitsyn, A.S. Kovalev, and M.M.
Bogdan. Evolution of
optical pulses
fiber lines with lumped
nonlinear devices as a mapping problem. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.
144, No.2,
1117–1127 (2005).
- S. Boscolo, S.A. Derevyanko, S.K. Turitsyn, A.S. Kovalev, and M.M.
Bogdan. Autosoliton propagation and
mapping problem in optical fiber lines with lumped nonlinear devices. Phys. Rev. E. V.72, No.1 , 016601-1–016601-4 (2005).
- O.V. Charkina and M.M. Bogdan.
Internal Modes of Solitons and Near-Integrable Highly-Dispersive Nonlinear
Systems. SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and
Geometry: Methods and Applications. V.2, No.047, 1–12 (2006)Open access :
- O.V. Charkina and M.M. Bogdan.
Processes of formation of soliton complexes and breathers in highly
dispersive media. Uzhhorod University Scientific Herald. Series Physics.
Iss.21, 196–204 (2007) [in Ukrainian]
- L. Kroon, M.M. Bogdan, A.S. Kovalev and E.Yu. Malyuta. Bifurcation
picture and stability of gap and out-gap discrete solitons. Low
Temperature Physics. V.33, No.5, 481–483 (2007).
- M.M. Bogdan and O.V. Charkina.
features of bound states of topological solitons in highly dispersive
low-dimensional systems. Low Temperature
Physics. V.33, No.12, 1073–1076 (2007).
- M.M. Bogdan and O.V. Charkina.
Dynamics and
stability of solitons in the sine-Gordon models with a strong dispersion. Nonlinear world. V.6, No.5-6, 324–333 (2008) [in Russian].
- M.M. Bogdan and O.V. Charkina.
Dynamics of
bound soliton states in regularized dispersive equations. Low Temperature
Physics.V.34, ¹
7, 564–570 (2008).
- M.M. Bogdan and D.V. Laptev. Quasiclassical spectra of the solitons of
the continual and discrete modified Korteweg – de Vries equations. Uzhhorod University Scientific Herald. Series Physics. Iss. 24, 100–107
(2009) [in Ukrainian].
- M.M. Bogdan and O.V. Charkina. Spin waves in easy-axis antiferromagnets with precessing
domain walls. Low Temperature Physics.V.40,
¹1, 84–90 (2014).
- M.M. Bogdan and O.V. Charkina. Local negative magnetic permeability and possibility of
observation of breather excitations in magnetic metamaterials.
Low Temperature Physics. V.40, ¹3, 234–238
- D.V. Laptev, M.M. Bogdan. Nonlinear periodic waves solutions of the nonlinear
self-dual network equations. Journal of
Mathematical Physics. V.55, No.4, 042903-1–042903-22, (2014).
- M.M. Bogdan and
D.V. Laptev. Exact Description of the Discrete Breathers and Solitons
Interaction in the Nonlinear Transmission Lines.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. V.83, No.6,
064007-1–064007-9 (2014).