L.V. Fardigola, Transformation operators and modified Sobolev spaces in controllability problems on a half axis,
Zh. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom. 12 (2016), 17–47.
L.V. Fardigola, Transformation operators in controllability problems for the wave equations
with variable coefficients on a half axis controlled by the Dirichlet boundary condition,
Math. Control Relat. Fields
5 (2015), 31–53.
L.V. Fardigola, Modified Sobolev spaces in controllability problems for the wave equation on a half-plane,
Zh. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom.. 11 (2015), 18–24.
L.V. Fardigola, Controlllability problems for the wave equation on a half-plane and modified Sobolev spaces,
Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr. Mat. Prirodozn. Tekh. Nauki
(2015), No. 9, 18–24 (Ukrainian).
L.V. Fardigola, Transformation operators of the Sturm-Liouville problem in controllability problems
for the wave equation on ahalf-axis, SIAM J.
Control Optim. 51 (2013), 1781–1801.
L.V. Fardigola, Controllability problems for the 1-d wave equations on a half axis with Neumann boundary control,
Math. Control Relat. Fields
3 (2013), 161–183.
L.V. Fardigola, Controllability problems for the 1-d wave equations on a half axis with the Dirichlet
boundary control, ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 18 (2012), 748–773.
L.V. Fardigola, Neumann boundary control problem for the string equation
on a half-axis, Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr. Mat. Prirodozn. Tekh. Nauki
(2009), No. 10, 36–41 (Ukrainian).
L.V. Fardigola, The Fourier transform method in controllability
problems for the finite string equation with a boundary control
bounded by a hard constant, Further Progress in
Analysis. Proceedings of the 6th International ISAAC Congress.-Ankara, Turkey, 13–18 August
2009, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2009, 337–346.
L.V. Fardigola, Controllability
Problems for the String Equation on a Half-Axis with a Boundary Control Bounded
by a Hard Constant, SIAM J.
Control Optim. 47 (2008), No. 4, 2179–2199.
L.V. Fardigola, K.S. Khalina, Controllability
problems for the string equation, Ukrain. Mat. Zh., 2007, Vol. 59, No. 7,
939-952 (Ukrainian); Engl. translations in
Ukrainian Math. J. 59 (2007), No. 7,
L.V. Fardigola, On controllability problems for
the wave equation on a half-plane,
Zh. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom.
1 (2005), No. 1, 93–115.
L.V. Fardigola and M.V. Lobanova, On
stabilizability of evolution partial differential equations on Rnx[0, +∞) by time-delayed feedback controls,
Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom.
10 (2003), No. 2, 188–204.
L.V. Fardigola, On stabilizability
of evolution systems of partial differential equations on Rnx[0, +∞) by time-delayed feedback control,
Cent Eur. J. Math. 1
(2003), No. 2, 141–155.
G.M.Sklyar and L.V.Fardigola, The
Markov power moment problem in problems of controllability and frequency
extinguishing for the wave equation on a half-axis,
J. Math. Anal. Appl.
276 (2002), No. 1, 109–134.
G.M. Sklyar and L.V. Fardigola, The
Markov trigonometric moment problem in controllability problems
for the wave equation on a half-axis,
Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom. 9
(2002), No. 2, 233–242.
L.V. Fardigola and Yu.V. Sheveleva, On
stabilizability of evolution systems of partial differential equations
on Rnx[0, +∞)
by one-dimensional feedback controls, Ukrain.
Mat. Zh. 54 (2002), No. 9, 1289–1296 (Ukrainian); Engl. translation in
Ukrainian Math. J.
54 (2002), No. 9, 1556–1565.
L.V. Fardigola, Criterion for
stabilizability of partial differential equations with constant coefficients
on the whole space, Differ. Uravn. 36 (2000), No. 12,
1699–1706 (Russian); Engl. translation in
Differ. Equ. 36
(2000), No. 12, 1863–1871.
L.V. Fardigola, On stabilizability
of evolution systems of partial differential equations on Rnx[0, +∞) by feedback control,
Visnyk Kharkiv. Nats. Univ. No. 475, Mat. Prikl. Mat. Mekh. (2000), 183–194.
L.V.Fardigola, On a non-local
two-point boundary-value problem in a layer for the equation with variable
Sibirsk. Mat. Zh. 38 (1997), No. 2, 424–438 (Russian); Engl. translation in
Siberian Math. J. 38
(1997), No. 2, 367–379.
L.V. Fardigola, An integral
boundary-value problem in a layer for a system of linear partial differential
Mat. Sb. 186 (1995), No. 11, 123–144 (Russian);
Engl. translation in
Sb. Math. 186 (1995), No. 11, 1671–1692.
L.V. Fardigola, Non-local two-point
boundary-value problems in a layer with differential operators in the boundary
condition, Ukrain. Mat. Zh. 47 (1995), No. 8, 1128–1134 (Russian);
Engl. translation in
Ukrainian Math. J. 47 (1995), No. 8, 1283–1289.
L.V. Fardigola, A non-local boundary-value
problem in a layer for an evolution equation that has a second order with
respect to time variable, Differ. Uravn. 31 (1995), No. 4,
662–671 (Russian); Engl. thranslation in Differ. Equ. 31 (1995), No. 4, 614–623.
L.V. Fardigola, The influence
of the parameters on the properties of solutions of integral boundary-value
problems in a layer, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat. (1993), No. 7,
51–58 (Russian); Engl. translation in Russian Math. 37 (1993), No. 7,
L.V. Fardigola, An integral
boundary-value problem in a layer,
Mat. Zametki 53 (1993), No. 6, 122–129 (Russian); Engl. translation in
Math. Notes 53 (1993), No. 6, 644–649.
L.V. Fardigola, Well-posed
problems with differential operators in the boundary condition in a layer,
Ukrain. Mat. Zh. 44 (1992), No. 8, 1083–1090 (Russian); Engl.
translation in
Ukrainian Math. J. 44 (1992), No. 8, 983–989.
L.V.Fardigola, A criterion
for strong well-posedness of a non-local two-point boundary-value problem
in a layer, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat. (1992), No. 1, 84–88 (Russian);
Engl. translation in Russsan Math. 36 (1992), No. 1, 82–86.
L.V. Fardigola, A non-local
boundary value problems in a layer: the influence of the parameters on
the properties of solutions, Differ. Uravnen., 1991, Vol. 27,
No. 12, 2151–2161 (Russian); Engl. translation in Differ. Equ. 27 (1991),
No. 12, 1540–1549.
L.V. Fardigola, T-stability
property for an integral boundary-value problem in a layer, Teor.
Funktsii Funktsional Anal. i Prilozhen. (1991), No.
55, 78–80 (Russian); Engl. translations in
J. Soviet Math. 59 (1992), No. 1, 638–639.
L.V. Fardigola, A criterion
for well-posedness of a boundary-value problem with an integral condition
in a layer, Ukrain. Mat. Zh. 42 (1990), No.11, 1546–1551 (Russian);
Engl. translation in Ukrainian Math. J. 42 (1990), No.11, 1388–1394.
V.M. Borok and L.V. Fardigola,Non-local
well-posed boundary-value problems in a layer,
Mat. Zametki 48 (1990), No. 1, 20–25 (Russian); Engl. translation in
Math. Notes 48 (1990), No. 1, 635–639.
L.V.Fardigola, A criterion
for well-posedness of a boundary-value problem in a layer for first- and
second-order equations, Vestnik Khar'kov. Univ. No. 334, Dinam.
Sistemy (1989), 55–65 (Russian).