B. Verkin ILTPE of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Department of Differential Equations and Geometry


Doctor of sciences. Leading researcher of Department of differential equations and geometry at Mathematical division of B. Verkin ILTPE of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kharkiv).

Born December 19, 1969.

In 1992 graduated from the department of mathematics and mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Candidate of sciences (PhD) - 2002, Doctor of sciences - 2016.

Scientific interests: differential geometry and topology of Riemannian spaces, submanifolds and foliations.

Laureat of A.V. Pogorelov Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2016) and Ukraine President Prize for young scientists (2004).

External links: Google Scholar

Ąddress:  B. Verkin ILTPE of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Nauka avenue 47, Kharkiv 61103, Ukraine
Tel.: (38-057) 341-09-84
E-mail: bolotov at ilt.kharkov.ua