Home   Direction of researches and field of scientific interests:

Dynamics of the crystal lattice; dynamical processes in the magneto-ordered crystals; phase transitions.


Vladimir I. Kutko, Senior Researcher

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Personal information:

Date and place of birth:                        1940, Vilshany, Kharkiv District, Ukraine

Education:                                            1960-1965, Physics Department of the Kharkiv National University

Titles:                                                   1974 - Ph. Doctor

                                                            2002 - Doctor of Sciences




Selected articles:

1. Spectoscopic evidences of the Jahn-Teller phase transition in the mixed crystals CsDy1-xBix(MoO4)2.
S.S.Geraschenko, O.V.Miloslavskaya, Yu.N.Kharchenko, V.I.Kutko, N.M.Nesterenko, L.Macalik, K.Hermanovich, J.Hanuza. Journal of Molecular Structure, 563 - 564, (2001), 359-364.

2. Bi-doping effecton the Jahn-Teller phase transitionin CsDy(MoO4)2 crystal.
S.S.Geraschenko, O.V.Milosllavskaya, Yu.N. Kharchenko, V.I.Kutko, N.M.Nesterenko, L.Macalik, K.Hermanovicz, M.Maczka, J.Hanuza.Materials Science, Vol.20, No.2, 2002.

3. Dynamics of layered Jahn-Teller crystals of rare-earth compounds (review).
V.I.Kutko. Low Temperature Physics, vol.31, No.1, pp.1-31.