Kharchenko M.F. (340*229)

Surname: Kharchenko
First name: Mykola (Nicholas)
Middle name: Fedorovych
Date of birth: 1939
Education and Academic records: Kharkiv State University, Kharkiv, Ukraine: Student of Physics-Mathematics Dept., 1955 - 1960; M.Sc. in Physics, 1960.
B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine: -Ph.D. (Candidate of Sciences) in Physics, 1969;
-DSc in Solid State Physics, 1984;
-Professor in Solid State Physics, 1993;
-Associate member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1995;
-Full member (Academician) of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, 2009
Employment: B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering
of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:
-Junior researcher, 1961-1963
-Post graduate, engineer-researcher, 1963-1969
-Scientist, 1969-1972
-Senior scientist, 1972-1985
-Head of the Department "Optics and Magnetism of Solids", 1985-today.
Kharkiv State University, Kharkiv, Ukraine: Professor of chair of General Physics, (combined job),
courses with 1984 - up the present:
"Physics of Magnetic Phenomena " and "Magneto-optics of magnetically ordered solids"
Field of scientific interests -Magneto-optics of magnetically ordered solids;
-Time-reversed antiferromagnetic domains;
-Magnetic phase transitions and multiple-phase magnetic domains;
-Photoinduced magnetic phenomena;
-Magnetic field induced structural phase transitions.
-Exchange bias
The main scientific results: the revealing, symmetry analysis, investigating and applications of the new magneto-optical effects: linear magneto-optical effect and the quadratic in magnetic field rotation of light polarization plane, which are permitted only in magnetically ordered media.

The main publications:

the books:

Еременко В.В., Харченко Н.Ф., Литвиненко Ю.Г Науменко В.М., "Магнитооптика и спектроскопия антиферромагнетиков", Изд-во "Наукова думка", Киев,1989, cc. 262

"Magneto-optics and spectroscopy of antiferromagnetics" by V.V.Eremenko, N.F.Kharchenko, Yu.G. Litvinenko, V.M. Naumenko, Springer-Verlag, pp.276, 1992.

the reviews:

List of publications
