Home  The Group of Magnetic Resonance Properties of Solids

Head of the group:

Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics A. G. Anders (The State Prize of Ukrainian SSR, 1991)

E-mail: aanders@ilt.kharkov.ua


The main research areas:

- Magnetic resonance properties of low-dimensional magnets and systems with dominant magnetic dipole-dipole interactions.

-Magnetic and resonance properties of metal-organic systems with complex interion interactions.

-Magnetic resonance in metal multilayer systems.


Experimental equipment:

-EPR spectrometers operable in the frequency range between 10 - 75 GHz in magnetic fields up to 6 T, covering the temperature range between 1.7 - 300 K.


The main scientific results:

-The successful description of magnetic properties (the magnetic structure, the magnetic field and temperature dependences of magnetization and specific heat) of a number of rare-earth compounds in the magnetic dipole-dipole approximation.

-Observation of magnetic resonance, multimagnon processes and dynamical effects in energy spectrum of low-dimensional magnetic systems.

-Determination of the ground states in magnetic ions in powder samples of metal-organic compounds.



The group collaborates with Department of Experimental Physics of P.J. Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia.


The main recent publications:

1.      G. Anders, V. S. Bondarenko, A. Feher, A. Orendaceva. EPR spectrum of CsDy(MoO4)2 and structural peculiarities of magnetically ordered phase of the crystal. Fiz. Nizk. Temp., v.22, No.9, p.1042 (1996). [Low Temp. Phys., v.22, No.9, p.794 (1996)].

2.      A. G. Anders, V. S. Bondarenko, S. B. Bordovsky, A. Feher, A. Orendacheva. Dipole magnet model for CsDyMoO4)2. Fiz. Nizk. Temp., v.23, No.11, p. 1195 (1997). [Low Temp. Phys., v.23, No.11, p.895 (1997)].

3.      A. G. Anders and M. I. Kobetz. Anomalies of microwave absorption in quasi-one-dimensional CsMnCl32H2O in pulsed magnetic field. Fiz. Nizk. Temp., v.25, No.6, p.587 (1999) [Low Temp. Phys., v.25, No.6, p.436 (1999)].

4.      A.G. Anders, V.S. Bondarenko, V.M. Naumenko, A. Feher, A. Orendacova. Magnetic structure of the crystal CsDy(MoO4)2. Fiz. Nizk. Temp., v.26, No.8, p.766 (1996) [Low Temp. Phys., v.26, No.8, p.561 (2000)].

5.      A.Г.Андерс, А.И.Каплиенко, О.В.Кравчина, В.С.Бондаренко, A.Feher, M.Orendach, A.Orendachova, M.Kajnakova, J.Cernak "Проявление эффекта Яна-Теллера в спектре ЭПР металло-органического комплекса [Cu(en)2H2O]SO4.", ФНТ, 28, (2002) 642.

6.      О.В.Кравчина, А.И.Каплиенко, A.Г.Андерс, M.Orendach, A.Orendachova, M.Kajnakova, A.Feher "Электронный парамагнитный резонанс в порошковых образцах металло-органичесих соединений меди. ", ФНТ, 30, №2 с.198 (2004).

7.      А.Anders, O.Kravcyna, A.Kaplienko, M.Orendach, A.Orendachova, M.Kajnakova, A.Feher "Metal-organic complexes of Cu(II): ground state and exchange interactions in magnetic subsystem.", Spectroscopy of Emerging Materials, E.Faulgues, D.L.Perry, A.V.Yeremenko (Eds.), NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academie Publishers, 2004.

8.      M.Kajnakova, M.Orendach, A.Orendachova, A.Vlcek, J.Cernak, O.V.Kravchyna, A.G.Anders, M.Balanda, J.H.Park, A.Feher, M.W.Meisel "Magnetic properties of the quasi-one-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg spatially anisotropic triangular lattice magnet Cu(H2O)2(C2H8N2)SO4.", Phys.Rev. 71, 014435 (2005).

9.      M.Kajnakova, A.Orendachova, M.Orendach, J.H.Park, O.V.Kravcyna, A.G.Anders, J.Cernak, A.Feher, M.W.Meisel "Magnetic properties of Cu(phen)2(H2O)2SO4 – S=1/2 zigzag ladder with spatially anisotropic exchange coupling.", JMMM 272-276 p.867 (2004).

10.   A.Orendachova, M.Kajnakova, J.Cernak, J.-H.Park, E.Cizmar, M.Orendach, A.Vlcek, O.V.Kravchyna, A.G.Anders, A.Feher, M.W.Meisel "Hydrogen bond mediated magnetism in [CuII(en)2(H2O)][CuII(en)2Ni2CuI2(CN)10].2H2O" Chem Phys 309, 115 (2004).