Publications for 2016 year:
Electronic structure and magnetic properties of FeTe, BiFeO3, SrFe12O19 and SrCoTiFe10O19 compounds
A.A. Lyogenkaya, G.E. Grechnev, O.V. Kotlyar, A.S. Panfilov, V.P. Gnezdilov
Ukrainian Journal of Physics, V. 61, p. 529, (2016)
Phase separation in iron chalcogenide superconductor Rb(0.8+x)Fe(1.6+y)Se2 as seen by Raman light scattering and band structure calculations
Yu. Pashkevich, V. Gnezdilov, P. Lemmens, T. Shevtsova, A. Gusev, K. Lamonova, D. Wulferding, S. Gnatchenko, E. Pomjakushina, K. Conder
Low Temperature Physics, V. 42, P. 491, (2016)
Changes of the local magnetic properties of the optically excited Nd3+ ions and their manifestation in the near IR spectra of the Nd0.5Gd0.5Fe3(BO3)4 crystal
A.V. Malakhovskii, S.L. Gnatchenko, I.S. Kachur, V.G. Piryatinskaya, V.L. Temerov
Optical Materials, 52, 126, (2016)
Magneto-optical spectra and electron structure of Nd0.5Gd0.5Fe3(BO3)4 single crystal
A.V. Malakhovskii, S.L. Gnatchenko, I.S. Kachur, V.G. Piryatinskaya, A.L. Sukhachev, V.L. Temerov
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 401, 517, (2016)
Peculiarities of magnetic properties of Nd3+ ions in the Nd0.5Gd0.5Fe3(BO3)4 crystal in the optically excited states 4(F7/2 + S3/2) and (4G9/2 + 2K13/2 + 4G7/2)
A.V. Malakhovskii, S.L. Gnatchenko, I.S. Kachur, V.G. Piryatinskaya, V.L. Temerov
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 680 , V. 2016 , P. 87, (2016)
Electric-field-induced linear birefringence in TmAl3(BO3)4
M.I. Pashchenko, V.A. Bedarev, D.N. Merenkov, S.L. Gnatchenko, L.N. Bezmaternykh, A.L. Sukhachev, V.L. Temerov
Applied Optics, V. 55, 12, P. B11, (2016)
Microstructural and transport properties of superconducting FeTe0.65Se0.35 crystals
A.G. Sivakov, S.I. Bondarenko, A.I. Prokhvatilov, V.P. Timofeev, A.S. Pokhila, V.P. Koverya, I.S. Dudar, S.I. Link, I.V. Legchenkova, A.N. Bludov, V.Yu. Monarkha, D.J. Gawryluk, J. Pietosa, M. Berkowski, R. Diduszko, R. Puzniak, A. Wisniewski
Superconductor Science and Technology, V. 30, P. 015018, (2016)
Low-temperature magnetic phase transitions in the multiferroic Nd0.9Dy0.1Fe3(BO3)4. Part 1. Transitions induced by magnetic fields directed along the trigonal symmetry axis. Spontaneous transitions with temperature changes
G.A. Zvyagina, K.R. Zhekov, I.V. Bilych, M.P. Kolodyazhnaya, A.A. Zvyagin, A.N. Bludov, V.A. Pashchenkoi
Low Temperature Physics, V. 42, P. 273 (2016)
Comparison of Raman scattering in non-polymerized and photo-polymerized fullerene films at temperatures of 5–300 K
A.V. Peschanskii, A.Yu. Glamazda, A.M. Plokhotnichenko, V.A. Karachevtsev
Low Temperature Physics, V. 42, P. 1144, (2016)
Raman scattering in multiferroic SmFe3(BO3)4
A.V. Peschanskii, V.I. Fomin, I.A. Gudim
Low Temperature Physics, V. 42, P. 475, (2016)