Publications for 2014 year:
Magneto-optical properties of terbium iron borate
M.I. Pashchenko, V.A. Bedarev, D.N. Merenkov, Yu.O. Savina, V.O. Pashchenko, S.L. Gnatchenko, L.N. Bezmaternykh, V.L. Temerov.
Applied Optics, V. 53, 10, P. B116, (2014)
The Faraday effect in TbFe3(BO3)4 and TbAl3(BO3)4 borates
V.A. Bedarev, M.I. Pashchenko, D.N. Merenkov, Yu.O. Savina, V.O. Pashchenko, S.L. Gnatchenko, L.N. Bezmaternykh, V.L. Temerov
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, V. 362, P. 150, (2014)
Low-temperature properties of the phonon spectra, and low-temperature thermodynamics of disofdered solid solutions
I.A. Gospodarev, V.I. Grishayev, A.V. Eremenko, M.S. Klochko, A.V. Kotlyar, E.V. Manzheliy, E.S. Syrkin, S.B. Feodosyev
Low Temperature Physics, V. 40, P. 1013, (2014)
The features of quantum oscillations of the magnetization of HgSe:Fe crystals
B. Bekirov, I. Ivanchenko, N. Popenko, A. Bludov, V. Pashchenko
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, 73 , V. 16, P. 1433, (2014)
Magnetic and magnetoresonance properties of the solid solution Hg0.5Cd0.4Cr0.1Se
B. Bekirov, I. Ivanchenko, N. Popenko, A. Bludov, V. Pashchenko, V. Tkach
Applied Magnetic Resonancem 45 , Vol. 1, P. 75, (2014)
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the S = ½ quantum spin system Cu7(TeO3)6F2 with Mixed Dimensionality
S. Hu, A. Mace, M. Johnsson, V. Gnezdilov, P. Lemmens, J. Tapp, A. Möller
Inorg. Chem., V. 53 (8), P. 4250–4256, (2014)
Enhanced quasiparticle dynamics of quantum well states: The giant Rashba system BiTeI, and topological insulators
V. Gnezdilov, P. Lemmens, D. Wulferding, A. Müoller, P. Recher, H. Berger, R. Sankar, F.C. Chou
Phys. Rev. B, V. 89, P. 195117 (1-6), (2014)
Synthetic ferrimagnets with thermomagnetic switching
A.F. Kravets, Yu.I. Dzhezherya, A.I. Tovstolytkin, I.M. Kozak, A. Gryshchuk, Yu.O. Savina, V.A. Pashchenko, S.L. Gnatchenko, B. Koop, V. Korenivski
Phys. Rev. B, V. 90, 10, P. 104427, (2014)
Interplay of superconductivity and magnetism in FeSe(1-x)Te(x) compounds. Pressure effects
A.S. Panfilov, V.A. Pashchenko, G. E. Grechnev, V.A. Desnenko, A.V. Fedorchenko, A.N. Bludov, S.L. Gnatchenko, D.A. Chareev, E.S. Mitrofanovа, A.N. Vasiliev
Low Temperature Physics, V. 40, P. 615, (2014)
Magnetic field-induced phase transitions in the antiferromagnet Nd0.6Dy0.4Fe3(BO3)4
G.A. Zvyagina, K.R. Zhekov, I.V. Bilych, A.A. Zvyagin, A.N. Bludov, V.A. Pashchenko, I.A. Gudim
Low Temperature Physics, V. 40, P. 146, (2014)
Superconductivity of Ceramic Samples La1.85Sr0.15CuO4
N.V. Dalakova, B.I. Belevtsev, E.Yu. Beliayev, Yu.O. Savina, O.I. Yuzephovich, S.V. Bengus, N.P. Bobrysheva
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Ser. Fizicheskaya 78, 4, 486-489, (2014)
AFM resonance study into magnetic structure of Nd0.75Dy0.25Fe3(BO3)4
M.I. Kobets, K.G. Dergachev, E.N. Khatsko, S.L. Gnatchenko, L.N. Bezmaternykh, I.A. Gudim
Low Temperature Physics, V. 40, P. 629, (2014)
Observation of a new type of magnetic excitations in NdFe3(BO3)4 ferroborate
M. Kobets, K. Dergachev, A. Kovalev, S. Gnatchenko, E. Khatsko
Low Temperature Physics, V. 40, P. 151, (2014)
IR spectroscopy of the low-frequency phonon spectrum of the TbFe3(BO3)4 single-crystal
V.S. Kurnosov, V.V. Tsapenko, L.N. Bezmaternykh, I.A. Gudim
Low Temperature Physics 40, № 12, P.108, (2014)
Raman scattering under structural and magnetic phase transitions in terbium ferroborate
A.V. Peschanskii, A.V. Yeremenko, V.I. Fomin, L.N. Bezmaternykh, I.A. Gudim
Low Temperature Physics, V. 40, P. 171, (2014)
Concentration anomalies of the magnetization of HgSe:Fe crystals
N. Popenko, B. Bekirov, I. Ivanchenko, A. Bludov, V. Pashchenko
JETP Letters, V. 100 , 4, P. 272, (2014)