S. N. Shevchenko (group leader), O. V. Ivakhnenko, M. P. Liul, А. I. Ryzhov, P. O. Kofman, O. Yu. Kitsenko, O. A. Ilinskaya
We study quantum dynamic phenomena in mesoscopic systems, which include superconducting circuits, low-dimensional semiconductor-based structures, nanomechanical resonators. We make use and develop the toolbox of modern condensed matter theory in order to sharpen our understanding of quantum phenomena, which are nowadays available for probing and controlling. Not only we study theoretically fundamental phenomena, such as Rabi oscillations and Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg-Majorana transitions, but we tightly relate our research to the experimental works. Recent results are outlined below, while complete list of the publications can be found at Scholar.
Lecture Notes: Mesoscopic Physics meets Quantum Engineering

Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg-Majorana (LZSM) Interferometry

It was known since long ago that not only non-adiabatic LZSM transitions appear between discrete energy levels, but also the phase acquired during evolution matters. This phase, known as Stuckelberg phase, may result in constructive or destructive interference. We have generalized the theory to describe recently observed interference fringes in different microscopic and mesoscopic systems [2][3][4]. Such interferometry is particularly important for quantum dots [5] and superconducting structures in circuit-quantum electrodynamics [6]. We generalized and developed Majorana’s approach to validate the adiabatic-impulse approximation [7], which provides a convenient theoretical method. By investigating non-linear corrections, it was demonstrated [8] that the LZSM formula is quite robust in relation to perturbative nonlinearities, while the essential nonlinearities were treated based on the Dykhne-Davis-Pechukas formula and numerically. The LZSM physics may also provide an alternative paradigm for implementing quantum logic gates [9].
Amplitude- and Phase-Modulated Quantum Dot

Quantum Inductance and Capacitance

See also coverage of related work in the media [14].
Mirror, mirror: a transmon qubit in a semi-infinite transmission line

We investigated the LZSM interferometry of a superconducting qubit in a semi-infinite transmission line terminated by a mirror, i.e. by a capacitor. For a probe signal, a qubit acts as another mirror, that is why we refer to our system as “mirror, mirror”. The transmon-type qubit was placed at the node of the resonant electromagnetic field, “hiding” from the field. Under the impact of the probe and dressing signals, both stationary and time-dependent states were described, in agreement with the experiment [15][16]. One of the advantages of this atom-mirror arrangement is that we can effectively manipulate the absorption properties of the artificial atom, providing a novel way to manipulate the quantum states.
Multi-Photon Transitions

Thermometry with Qubit-Resonator System

Simulating Quantum Dynamics by Mechanical Resonator

A quantum system can be driven by either sinusoidal, rectangular, or noisy signals. In the literature, these regimes are referred to as Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg-Majorana interferometry, latching modulation, and motional averaging, respectively. We demonstrate that these effects are also inherent in the dynamics of classical two-state systems. In addition to the fundamental interest of such dynamical phenomena linking classical and quantum physics, we believe that these are attractive for the classical analogue simulation of quantum systems [20].
Dynamics of Graphene Membranes
Qubit-Based Memcapacitors and Meminductors

Dressed States

Delayed-Response Quantum Back Action