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Shubnikov Memorial International Conference on Low Temperature Physics October 16-19, 2001 Kharkov, Ukraine
Oct. 16 (Tues) |
9:00 – 10:00 |
Registration |
10:00 – 10:15 |
Welcome/Opening Remarks | |
10:15 – 11:45 | Scientific session | |
11:45 – 12:15 |
Coffee break |
12:15 – 14:30 | Scientific session | |
14:30 – 16:00 | Lunch | |
16:00 – 18:00 |
Conference excursion on Shubnikov’s places in Kharkov |
18:00 | Get-together party
Oct. 17 (Wed) | 9:30 – 10:55 | Scientific session |
10:55 – 11:15 | Coffee break | |
11:15 – 13:30 | Scientific session | |
13:30 – 15:00 |
Lunch | |
15:00 – 17:10 |
Scientific session | |
Oct. 18 (Thurs) |
10:55 – 11:15 | Coffee break | |
11:15 – 12:45 |
Scientific session | |
12:45 – 13:10 |
Coffee break | |
13:10 – 14:35 |
Scientific session | |
14:30 – 15:30 |
Lunch | |
15:30 – 17:10 |
Scientific session
Oct. 19 (Fri) | 9:30 – 10:55 | Scientific session |
10:55 – 11:15 |
Coffee break | |
11:15 – 13:00 |
Scientific session | |
13:00 |
Closing Remarks |
Scientific Program
October 16th, 2001 |
900 |
Registration of participants |
1000 |
Opening session |
V.V.Eremenko |
1015 |
The Bernoulli theorem in the superfluid helium film, the current-phase relation of a nearly ballistic superconducting point contact and the four-terminal SQUID |
R. de Bruyn Ouboter |
1100 |
“Kharkov physics” in Göteborg |
M. Jonson |
Short break – 20 min. |
October 16th, 2001 |
Chairman – Prof. D.C.Larbalestier (Univ. of Wisconsin, Medison) |
1205 |
A vitrifying structure transition in the Dy/Mo(112) adsorption system |
A.G.Naumovets |
1235 |
Scaling properties of quasi-2D HTSCs with columnar defects |
S.A.Gredeskul |
1300 |
Solid oxygen |
Yu.À.Freiman |
1345 |
Pinning and vortex dynamics in single crystals of YBaCuO with unidirectional twinning |
M.A.Obolensky |
Break – 90 min. |
1600 |
Conference excursion on Shubnikov’s places in Kharkov |
1800 |
Get-together party |
October 17th, 2001 |
Chairman – Prof. R. de Bruyn Ouboter (Kamerlingh Onnes Lab., Leiden Univ.) |
930 |
Studies of the magnetic field - temperature phase diagram of MgB2 |
D.C.Larbalestier |
1015 |
Mechanical Cooper pair transportation as a source of long distance super-conducting phase coherence |
R.Shekhter |
Short break – 20 min. |
Chairman – Prof. M. Jonson (Chalmers Technology Univ., Göteborg) |
1115 |
Quantum computing |
G.Gamota |
1200 |
The role of the charge density fluctuations and many-body Coulomb correlations in the mechanism of high-temperature super-conductivity in the cuprate metaloxides |
E.A.Pashitskii, |
October 17th, 2001 |
1245 |
Interaction of sound and low decaying waves in metals |
L.T.Tsymbal |
1315 |
Metal nanowires as one-dimensional atom sequences |
A.I.Yanson |
Break - 90 min. |
Chairman – Prof. V.M.Pudalov (Lebedev Phys.Inst., Moscow) |
1500 |
D-wave superconducting condensate formation in doped metal |
V.M.Loktev |
1545 |
Nuclear magnetic relaxation and spin diffusion in two-phase quantum crystals 3Íå-4Íå |
E.Ya.Rudavskii |
1630 |
Weak pinning induced instabilities at high-flow velocities in a II type superconductor |
A.Yu.Galkin |
1650 |
Fine structure of Nb-Ti superconducting alloy |
I.M.Mikhailovskii |
October 18th, 2001 INTAS day |
Chairman – Prof. R.Shekhter (Chalmers Technology Univ., Göteborg) |
930 |
Shubnikov-de Haas effect and quantum oscillations in metals |
A.M.Kosevich |
1015 |
Some old tasks of Shubnikov laboratory –the new physics |
O.P.Ledenev |
Short break – 20 min. |
Chairman – Prof. E.A.Pashitskii (Inst. Phys., Kiev) |
1115 |
Isotropic effects and manifestation of 2D phase transitions in kinetics of low temperature (down 5Ê) hydrogen adsorption |
Yu.G.Ptushinsky |
1200 |
Superconductivity in systems with spontaneous interlayer coherence |
S.I.Shevchenko |
Short break – 20 min. |
October 18th, 2001 INTAS day |
Chairman – Prof. M.A.Obolensky (National Univ., Kharkov) |
1310 |
How 2D electrons get heavy and magnetized: Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations as a tool to study spin and orbital properties of strongly interacting electrons |
V.M.Pudalov |
1330 |
Some applicftions of cryogenics in controlled nuclear synthesis and space research |
V.B.Yuferov |
1350 |
Effect of light illumination on magnetic phasetransitions in manganese oxides |
S.L.Gnatchenko |
Break – 80 min.. |
October 18th, 2001 INTAS day |
Chairman – Prof. S.A.Gredeskul (Ben-Gurion Univ., Beer-Sheva) |
1530 |
Unstable defects in crystals |
V.M.Koshkin |
1550 |
Relaxation processes in amorphous films of single atom metals |
V.M.Kuzmenko |
1610 |
Pinning and vortex dynamics in anisotropic superconductors with columnar defects |
A.Kasatkin |
1630 |
Commensurable vortex lattices in thin superconducting films |
N.Fogel |
1650 |
One-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional electron systems over liquid helium |
Yu.Z.Kovdrya |
October 19th, 2001 |
Chairman – Prof. G.Gamota (Science & Technol. Management Associates, Lexington, MA) |
930 |
Theory of long-range correlations in glass-forming liquids |
A.S.Bakai |
1015 |
Unconventional superconductivity |
A.N.Omelya’nchuk |
Short break – 20 min. |
Chairman – Prof. A.S.Bakai (Phys.-Techn. Inst, Kharkov) |
1115 |
Low temperature exiton dynamics of 1D systems with energy and topological disorder |
V.P.Seminozhenko |
1200 |
Ortho-para conversion in solid hydrogen at high pressures |
M.A.Strzhemechny |
October 19th, 2001 |
1245 |
Vortex matter in moderately anisotropic HTS with 3D and 2D disorder |
V.M.Pan |
Closing session. Concluding remarks. |
A.G.Naumovets |